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Biasing Biasing: Application of dc voltages to establish a fixed level of current and voltage. BJT Biasing Circuits: Fixed Bias Circuit Fixed Bias with.

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Presentation on theme: "Biasing Biasing: Application of dc voltages to establish a fixed level of current and voltage. BJT Biasing Circuits: Fixed Bias Circuit Fixed Bias with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biasing Biasing: Application of dc voltages to establish a fixed level of current and voltage. BJT Biasing Circuits: Fixed Bias Circuit Fixed Bias with Emitter Resistor Circuit Voltage-Divider Bias Circuit Feedback Bias Circuit

2 Fixed Bias Circuit This is a Common Emitter (CE) configuration.
Solve the circuit using KVL. 1st step: Locate capacitors and replace them with an open circuit 2nd step: Locate 2 main loops which are BE loop CE loop

3 Fixed Biased Circuit 1st step: Locate capacitors and replace them with an open circuit

4 2nd step: Locate 2 main loops.
Fixed Biased Circuit 2nd step: Locate 2 main loops. BE Loop CE Loop 1 2 1 2

5 Fixed Biased Circuit BE Loop Analysis: From KVL: IB Solving for IB (1)

6 Fixed Biased Circuit CE Loop Analysis: From KVL: IC
2 IC As we know IC = dcIB Substituting IB from equation (1) VCE = VC In addition, since VBE = VB - VE Also note that VCE = VC - VE Since VE = 0 VBE = VB But VE = 0

7 Fixed Biased Circuit DISADVANTAGE
Unstable – because it is too dependent on β and produce width change of Q-point For improved bias stability , add emitter resistor to dc bias.

8 Example 1: Determine the Following
for the given Fixed Biased Circuit. IBQ and ICQ (b) VCEQ (c) VBC Solution:

9 Example 2: For the given fixed bias circuit, determine IBQ, ICQ, VCEQ, VC, VB and VE. Solution:

10 Example 3: Given the information appearing in the Fig
Example 3: Given the information appearing in the Fig. (a) , determine IC, RC, RB, and VCE. Solution: IC = 3.2 mA, RC = 1.875k, RB = k, VCE = 6 V. Example 4: Given the information appearing in Fig. (b), determine IC, VCC,  and RB. Solution: IC = 3.98 mA, VCC = V,  = 199, RB = 763 k. Fig. (a) Fig. (b)

11 Load line Analysis with Fixed Bias Circuit
DC load line is drawn by using the following equations: VCE = VCC

12 Load line Analysis with Fixed Bias Circuit
Effect of Varying IB on the Q-Point:

13 Load line Analysis with Fixed Bias Circuit
Effect of varying VCC on the Q-Point:

14 Load line Analysis with Fixed Bias Circuit
Effect of varying RC on the Q-Point:

15 Example: Given the load line and the defined Q-point , determine the required values of VCC, RC, and RB for a fixed bias configuration. Solution: VCE = VCC = 20 V

16 Emitter-Stabilized Bias Circuit
An emitter resistor, RE is added to improve stability Solve the circuit using KVL. 1st step: Locate capacitors and replace them with an open circuit 2nd step: Locate 2 main loops which; BE loop CE loop Resistor RE added

17 Emitter-Stabilized Bias Circuit
1st Step: Locate capacitors and replace them with an open circuit.

18 Emitter-Stabilized Bias Circuit
2nd Step: Locate two main loops 2 1 2 1

19 Emitter-Stabilized Bias Circuit
BE Loop Analysis: Using KVL: 1 Recall that IE = ( + 1)IB

20 Emitter-Stabilized Bias Circuit
CE Loop Analysis: From KVL: 2 Substituting IE  IC we get

21 Example: For the given emitter bias network, determine IB, IC, VCE, VC, VE, VB and VBC. Solution:

22 Load line Analysis for Emitter Stabilized Bias Circuit
The collector-emitter loop equation that defines the load line is: Choosing IC = 0 gives And choosing VCE = 0 gives

23 Example: For the given emitter stabilized bias circuit, determine IBQ, ICQ, VCEQ, VC, VB, VE. Solution:

24 Voltage Divider Bias Provides good Q-point stability
with a single polarity supply voltage Solve the circuit using KVL 1st step: Locate capacitors and replace them with an open circuit 2nd step: Simplify circuit using Thevenin Theorem 3rd step: Locate 2 main loops which; BE loop CE loop

25 Voltage Divider Bias 1st step: Locate capacitors and replace them with an open circuit

26 Voltage Divider Rule 2nd step: Simplify the circuit using Thevenin Theorem From Thevenin’s Theorem

27 3rd step: Locate 2 main loops.
Voltage Divider Bias 3rd step: Locate 2 main loops. BE Loop CE Loop 1 2 2 1

28 Voltage Divider Bias BE Loop Analysis: From KVL: But 1

29 Voltage Divider Bias CE Loop Analysis: From KVL: 2 Assume IC  IE

30 DC load line with Voltage Divider Bias
The dc load line can be drawn from the following equation: IC VCE VCC

31 Example: Determine the dc bias voltage VCE and the current IC for the given voltage divider configuration. Solution:

32 DC Bias with Voltage Feedback

33 DC Bias with Voltage Feedback
Using KVL: In this circuit, IB is assumed to be very small and I’C  IC = IC. The above Equation may therefore be Re-written as BE Loop

34 DC Bias with Voltage Feedback
Since I’C  IC and IC  IE, we have CE Loop

35 Example: Determine the quiescent level of ICQ and VCEQ for the given network. Solution:

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