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Team Building By PP V Venkatachalam District General Secretary 28.3.2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Building By PP V Venkatachalam District General Secretary 28.3.2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Building By PP V Venkatachalam District General Secretary 28.3.2015

2 Learning Objectives Identify skills needed to serve as effective club leaders. Anticipate potential challenges in leading fellow Rotarians, and develop strategies for handling them.

3 What is Team Building?

4 Team Building

5 Team Building is the Opposite of Conflict and Non Co-operation

6 Why Team Building?

7 Many hands make work light Key to achieving Club Goals Key to an Effective Rotary Club Key to Your Leadership Quality 7

8 Potential Leadership Challenges Members can’t commit to service project Past president isn’t supportive of your ideas New club president is overwhelmed Committee chair is not active Assistant governor is unavailable

9 To Build a Successful Team Solve Problems Resolve Conflicts 9


11 ABOUT CONFLICT……. CONFLICT IS INEVITABLE Conflict develops because we are dealing with: People’s lives, jobs, children, pride, self-concept, ego and sense of mission or purpose 11

12 BEGINNING OF CONFLICT Poor Communication Seeking Power Dissatisfaction with Management Style Weak Leadership Lack of Openness Change in Leadership Lack of Inclusiveness 12

13 CONFLICT INDICATORS Body Language Disagreements, regardless of Issues Withholding Bad News Surprises Strong Public Statements 13

14 Airing Disagreements Through Media Conflicts in Value System Desire for Power Increasing Lack of Respect Open Disagreement 14

15 CONFLICT IS DESTRUCTIVE WHEN IT….. Takes Attention away from other Important Activities Undermines Morale Polarizes People and Groups, reducing Co-operation Increases or Sharpens Differences Leads to Irresponsible and Harmful Behaviour such as Fighting, Name-calling etc. 15

16 CONFLICT IS CONSTRUCTIVE WHEN IT…… Results in clarification of important problems and issues Results in solutions to problems Involves people in resolving issues close to their heart 16

17 Helps release emotion, anxiety and stress Builds co-operation among people through learning more about each other Joining in resolving the conflict Helps individuals develop understanding and skills 17

18 ISSUES LEADING TO CONFLICTS 1.Choice of Venue 2.Timing of meeting 3.Cost of Meetings / members dues 4.Club Policies and traditions 5.Personality / Adaptability 6.High Expectations members of Clubs 7.Improper Conduct 18

19 8. Interpersonal issues / opinion / differences 9. Spouses interferences 10.Reluctance to bring old issues. 11.Expectations by club and other members 19

20 TECHNIQUES FOR RESOLVING CONFLICT: Meet Conflict Head- On Set Goals Plan for and Communicate Frequently Be Honest about Concerns Agree to Disagree-UNDERSTAND HEALTHY DISAGREEMENT WOULD BUILT BETTER DECISIONS Get Individual Ego out of Management Style Discuss Differences in Values Openly 20

21 How to Confront Conflict ? Thomas Kilmann Mode of Response Model Assertiveness Cooperativeness Low High Medium CompetingCollaborating AvoidingAccommodation Compromising

22 SOLUTIONS 1)Nibbling at bud level- fireside meetings 2)Mentors responsibilities & mentoring 3)Mediators by senior experience club Rotarians 4)Give and take policies 5)Option to join other clubs if all other attempts fail.

23 Tools for Improved Communication SEEK FIRST TO UNDERSTAND THEN BE UNDERSTOOD ……Steven Covey..encourage others to explain their side first, they will be more apt to listen to others 1 st Principle

24 Communication Tools…. PEOPLE IN DISAGREEMENT SHOULD FOCUS ON THEIR NEEDS. …Roger Fisher and William concentrating on positions we tend to underscore our disagreements 2 nd PRINCIPLE

25 MEDIATION Mediation helps stakeholders discuss issues, repair past injuries and to face disagreements effectively. Mediators facilitate the process by:- * understanding each Rotarian’s perspective * Increasing and evaluating Rotarians interest in solving the issue

26 Setting Ground Rules for Improved Communication Coaching the Rotarian through joint-sessions * Equalizing power between different levels of Rotarians. * Helps Rotarians plan for future interaction. 26

27 NEGOTIATIONS.. Negotiations will not be satisfactory when a Rotarian is more intent in: * Punishing another Rotarian rather coming to an agreement. * Winning rather than solving the challenge

28 28

29 We stand by our fellow beings in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness, in tranquility and in mayhem. Even when all hope seems lost, we remain….as constant as the sun in its journey through the universe. 29

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