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21 st Century ePortfolios What Why When How 1 Susan Gubing, CareerSmarts.

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Presentation on theme: "21 st Century ePortfolios What Why When How 1 Susan Gubing, CareerSmarts."— Presentation transcript:

1 21 st Century ePortfolios What Why When How 1 Susan Gubing, CareerSmarts

2 21 st Century Skills: Foundation Transitional Skills Transferable Skills Discover your Career DNA 2

3 Which leads us to these questions ? What evidence of your accomplishments during high school or college do you take with you upon graduation? What items do you search for or are asked to produce after graduation? Do we believe that our high school career has given us great knowledge and skills? 3

4 4 Much thanks to ……. Dr. Helen Barrett, the ePortfolio guru.



7 7 Types of ePortfolios? Process (workspace) Product (showcase) How can Web 2.0 be used in the ePortfolio development process? Workspace: Reflection, interactivity, feedback. Showcase: Reflection, presentation and evaluation WHAT?WHAT?

8 8 ePortfolio - Workspace Examples of work Written Pictures Video Reflection of Learning Pathway to “what do I want to learn” Journal of life plans A place to re-visit and think.

9 9 ePortfolio - Showcase PRESENTPresentation: Resume Employability Skills Profile Employer recommendations Teacher recommendations Awards Certifications FUTURE Career Tool Kit: Cover letter Thank you letter Sample email Career DNA 7 Option Career Plan Course curriculum Map and list of potential employers Professional Associations Networking contact information

10 10 WHAT? Past, Present, Future

11 11 WHY?WHY? Upon graduation, what content knowledge, data, or documents, does the student have access to?


13 Tools for ePortfolios Google Docs Wikis Blogs face book? LinkedIn? East of Use Functions: Creation, editing, sharing, add files, pictures, movies, gadgets. 13 HOW?

14 14 HOW? Creating ePortfolios with Web 2.0 Tools Helen Barrett’s Portfolio

15 15

16 Dr. Helen Barrett's ePortfolio Google Site 16 M7Y&feature=player_embedded k&feature=player_embedded k&feature=player_embedded

17 17 Next Steps 1. Internet Tool 2. Class or grade level 3. Workplace or Showcase

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