What happens in Beech Learning Zone?. Morning Rituals and Routines Transition between home and school Self-registration Children being independent – adults.

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Presentation on theme: "What happens in Beech Learning Zone?. Morning Rituals and Routines Transition between home and school Self-registration Children being independent – adults."— Presentation transcript:

1 What happens in Beech Learning Zone?

2 Morning Rituals and Routines Transition between home and school Self-registration Children being independent – adults support children to be ready to learn. Adult Led Learning starts at 9:00. Morning activities Phonics Mathematics Writing Creative Construction

3 Beech Learning Zone Sports – Tuesday and Thursday.

4 How we learn…… Adult led learning Teacher led learning exploring new learning objectives and supporting children in whole class. Teacher led small groups to focus on individual learning needs and next steps. Adult directed learning Challenges linked to adult directed learning where children show their understanding independently. Child led learning Exploration of children’s own ideas linked to learning. Developing learning and moving on The right to learn through play

5 One learning community

6 Learning Review Summarising and consolidating learning Celebrating children who set high expectations of themselves. Celebrating children who link their child led learning to Adult led learning Review Adult Directed Learning Pause and reflect. Healthy snack.

7 Mastery Longer time spent on topics in greater depth Problem Solving Developing understanding through concrete, pictorial and abstract. Variation Fluency and Reasoning Being a mathematician… Problem Solving Practising and applying skills in different ways Depth of challenge Reasoning Explanation and discussion. Understanding the thinking behind the maths Fluency Developing a bank of skills and known facts. Being resilient and building up a range of strategies.

8 Being an author… Making the link between reading and writing.

9 Children…… practise composing a sentence orally before writing it re-read aloud and edit what they have written to check it makes sense segment/chunk words into individual sounds and write these down use a sound mat to find the sounds they can hear in words and write these down leave spaces between words {finger spaces} correctly spell their key words and days of the week join words and small sentences together using ‘and’ begin to punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark use a capital letters correctly begin to correctly form lower-case and capital letters Writing

10 Children…. develop their own pleasure of reading and motivation to read make links between what they read and hear to their own experiences discuss word meanings, linking new meanings to words they already know continue to learn new sounds apply their phonic knowledge and blending skills to decode new words check their text makes sense to them and correcting themselves accordingly predict what might happen on the basis of what has been read take part in Book club,they talk about their own books, taking turns and listening to others spot and read their key words in sentence change their own books with support of an adult every Thursday { 2 books per week } Reading

11 Home learning Reading – supporting children’s love of reading. Children’s home learning links Challenges Phonics, Keywords and spelling

12 Useful websites Phonics http://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/freeIndex.htm Reading https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?v=pupil&c=0 Maths (KS1) http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks1/maths/

13 Thanks for your continuing support.

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