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Meet the Teacher 17.1.14. Thank you for the questions!  We will try and answer as many as possible but please ask your child’s class teacher if there.

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Presentation on theme: "Meet the Teacher 17.1.14. Thank you for the questions!  We will try and answer as many as possible but please ask your child’s class teacher if there."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet the Teacher 17.1.14

2 Thank you for the questions!  We will try and answer as many as possible but please ask your child’s class teacher if there are any areas that you are unsure of

3 SATs  May 2014  English – short task and long task  Spelling  Phonics  Mathematics  Reading  TEACHER JUDGEMENT!

4 English What children need to be able to do:  Use sentence openers, connectives,  Punctuation – full stops, capital letters, speech marks, exclamation marks, question marks, commas  Write independently  Use joined writing  Write for a range of purposes

5 How you can help at home  How to write a story  Start by changing the end to a well known story  Think of a main character, setting and a problem that could happen  Sentence structure - a story plan for what could happen at the beginning, middle and end  Edit! It doesn’t have to be perfect first time,

6 Maths  Inverse Is the opposite – we talk about the family of 4 It helps to work out answers using known facts 2+5 = 7 4 x 5 = 20 5+2 = 7 5 x 4 = 20 7-5 = 2 20 ÷ 4 = 5 7-2 = 5 20 ÷ 5 = 4

7  3 + 4 =  5 + 12 =

8  Mental Maths  Children need to know times tables, add and subtract  They can write down key facts to help them or draw pictures to help them work it out  Lots of practice – times tables on the way to school/ battles against brothers and sisters  Keep it positive

9  Multiplication/Division  Inverse helps – if they know multiplication they can work out division  Times tables - very important  Start with practical objects: 2 x 6 = 12

10  Measurements  The children need to know the units for the different measurements e.g.  Length – centimetres/ Metres  Weight – grams/ kg  Liquid – Litres/millilitres  Money – Pounds and pence Angles The children only really need to know 90˚ is a right angel, 180˚ is a straight line and 360˚ is a full circle.

11  Fractions  Children need to understand that fractions are a part of a whole  They need to be able to find out what fraction an amount is out of an entire group  Children need to be able to find fractions of numbers  Division facts help

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