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GLOBAL HISTORY REVIEW. Belief Systems Animism Shintoism.

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Presentation on theme: "GLOBAL HISTORY REVIEW. Belief Systems Animism Shintoism."— Presentation transcript:


2 Belief Systems

3 Animism

4 Shintoism

5 Hinduism

6 Dharma justified the Caste system --You were supposed to stay in your place (good dharma, leads to good karma)

7 Buddhism 1.Life is full of pain and suffering. 2.Human desire causes this suffering. 3.By putting an end to desire, humans can end suffering. 4.Humans can end desire by following the Eightfold Path.

8 Confucianism Filial Piety (respect elders) The Five Relationships 1.Ruler to Ruled 2.Father to Son 3.Older brother to Younger Brother 4.Husband to Wife 5.Friend to Friend

9 Monotheistic Religions





14  Greece is made up of many and  These physical features prevented Greeks from building a large empire like that of Egypt or Mesopotamia.  Greece is made up of many and  These physical features prevented Greeks from building a large empire like that of Egypt or Mesopotamia.

15  Instead the Greeks created many small city-states.


17  A polis or city-state was typically made up of two parts.  There was a hilltop acropolis, which included marble temples.  On the flatter ground below was the main city, within a wall.

18  The two most powerful city-states were Sparta and Athens.  Though they were both Greek, they developed very different ways of life.


20  Type of Society:  Sparta was a warrior society.  At the age of 7, boys were moved into barracks, where they were toughened by a coarse diet, hard exercise, and rigid discipline.

21  Other information: Although Sparta was strong, its power declined because of its inability to change.


23 Type of government:  A wise leader named Pericles ruled Athens from 460 B.C. to 429 B.C.  Under Pericles, Athens had a direct democracy. Type of government:  A wise leader named Pericles ruled Athens from 460 B.C. to 429 B.C.  Under Pericles, Athens had a direct democracy.

24  Type of society  People in Athens were well educated.  However, women and slaves did not have rights like men did.

25  However, even with such discrimination Athens gave its people more of a say in government than any other culture of its time.

26 The Roman Empire

27  Started as a

28  In a republic, officials were chosen by the people. (Like our democratic process.)  The most powerful governing body was the Senate.  In a republic, officials were chosen by the people. (Like our democratic process.)  The most powerful governing body was the Senate.

29 That’s me! Super Tough He was a very popular military general

30 So popular in fact, that he was like… “Hey, Romans! I want absolute power!” Sure, Caesar! Take as much power as you want! And the people were like…

31 But Rome was supposed to be a Republic, not a dictatorship The senators were upset that Caesar was taking so much power So they stabbed him to death

32  Caesar ’ s grand-nephew Augustus became emperor  And Rome was peaceful for over 200 years.  It was called the Pax Romana

33 Rome’s army conquered a huge amount of land

34 At first, Romans persecuted Christians. Later, Christianity became the official religion of Rome!

35 In 450 B.C., plebians (the lower class) said … How do we know what the laws are if they aren’t written down somewhere?

36  The law was inscribed on 12 stone tablets  The tablets were displayed in the marketplace for all to see  The law was inscribed on 12 stone tablets  The tablets were displayed in the marketplace for all to see

37  At the end of the Pax Romana, Rome fell into turmoil once again.  Eventually the Roman Empire crumbles for many reasons, which fall into 4 categories:  At the end of the Pax Romana, Rome fell into turmoil once again.  Eventually the Roman Empire crumbles for many reasons, which fall into 4 categories: Social Military Economic Political Causes

38  The decline of the Roman Empire was a long, slow process  BUT the year A.D. 476, when the emperor in Rome was ousted, is considered to be the official date of the fall of Rome

39  The Eastern Roman Empire survived, and became the Byzantine Empire.

40 The Byzantine Empire

41  At its height, the Byzantine Empire covered an area from Rome through southeastern Europe and Asia Minor, down to Egypt and across North Africa.  Even a portion of southern Spain was once part of the empire.

42  From its central location Constantinople controlled key trade routes that linked Europe and Asia.

43  The Byzantine Empire reached its peak under the emperor Justinian, who reigned from 527 to 565.  Like other Byzantine rulers, Justinian was an autocrat, a single ruler with complete authority.

44 Justinian ’ s Code of Law  Emperor Justinian is probably best known for his code of law.  Soon after he became emperor, he set up a team of scholars to gather and organize the ancient laws of Rome.  Emperor Justinian is probably best known for his code of law.  Soon after he became emperor, he set up a team of scholars to gather and organize the ancient laws of Rome.

45  His code included Roman laws, legal writings, and even a student handbook.  Even today, international law is influenced by Justinian ’ s Code.

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