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8B2 The heart and circulation Which way does the blood move around the body?

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Presentation on theme: "8B2 The heart and circulation Which way does the blood move around the body?"— Presentation transcript:

1 8B2 The heart and circulation Which way does the blood move around the body?

2 The heart is a muscle. When the muscle contracts it pushes blood around the circulatory system. Blood vessels pass close to nearly every cell in the body. Blood carries chemicals to and from cells. The journey of the blood

3 Blood enters the left side of the heart (as you look at it). It is pumped through an artery to the lungs. A vein carries the blood back to the right side of the heart The blood is then pumped through arteries to all parts of the body. It is carried back to the heart by veins. Around and around

4 Arteries carry blood from the heart. Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels and take the blood to every cell in an organ. Veins carry blood to the heart. Tubes

5 A pulse can be felt wherever an artery is close to the skin – such as in the wrist. Tip your hand back. Rest two fingers lightly on the bony lump. Count the number of pulses in a minute. Measuring your pulse

6 Where should the labels point to? Click to reveal the answers. heart pulmonary artery lungs capillaries pulmonary vein artery Label the diagram

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