Student Council Training 2013-14 Eddie Rowley Students’ Union Liaison & Quality Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Council Training 2013-14 Eddie Rowley Students’ Union Liaison & Quality Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Council Training 2013-14 Eddie Rowley Students’ Union Liaison & Quality Coordinator

2 Change There are lot of changes to SU –New Governing documents –New opportunities –Development still on-going Council role has changed Needs to focus on Student experience and wider student concerns Move its focus from internal Union issues

3 What today’s session will cover What's the SU / Aims and objectives What's the SU / Aims and objectives Democracy, Governance and Accountability Democracy, Governance and Accountability MetSU structure MetSU structure The Student Council The Student Council How the Student Council works How the Student Council works Motions and Quorum Motions and Quorum Points or order & Procedural motions Points or order & Procedural motions SU Trustees SU Trustees SU Website SU Website

4 What's a Student Union No1 Representation of Students equal access is available to all Members of whatever origin or orientation; equal access is available to all Members of whatever origin or orientation; pursue its aims and objectives independent of any political party or religious group pursue its aims and objectives independent of any political party or religious group pursue equal opportunities by taking positive action within the law to facilitate participation of groups pursue equal opportunities by taking positive action within the law to facilitate participation of groups

5 promoting the interests and welfare of Students at London Metropolitan University during their course of study and representing, supporting and advising Students; promoting the interests and welfare of Students at London Metropolitan University during their course of study and representing, supporting and advising Students; being the recognised representative channel between Students and London Metropolitan University and any other external bodies; and being the recognised representative channel between Students and London Metropolitan University and any other external bodies; and providing social, cultural, and recreational activities and forums for discussions and debate for the personal development of its Students. providing social, cultural, and recreational activities and forums for discussions and debate for the personal development of its Students.

6 Definitions Democracy Democracy Governance Governance Accountability Accountability

7 Definitions Democracy is ‘is system of Government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives’ Democracy is ‘is system of Government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives’ Governance is ‘the action or manner of governing a state of organisation’ Governance is ‘the action or manner of governing a state of organisation’ Accountability is the requirement and expectation to justify actions or decisions. To be held responsible or accountable. Accountability is the requirement and expectation to justify actions or decisions. To be held responsible or accountable.

8 MetSU structure There are six main groups which make up MetSU: Students Students Student Council Student Council Executive Committee Executive Committee Student Academic Representatives (StARs) Student Academic Representatives (StARs) Societies Societies Trustees Trustees

9 Student Council What is the purpose of the Student Council?

10 Student Council Student Council exists as a democratic body for students to bring forward and discuss matters of concern to them, their education and in their dealings with the University and/or Union. It can provide recommendations to Trustees, offer direction to Officers and hold them to account. It can raise its concerns to the University and can be consulted on both University and Union development and change. Although having a role in union governance it is not a primary governing body of the Union. Student Council exists as a democratic body for students to bring forward and discuss matters of concern to them, their education and in their dealings with the University and/or Union. It can provide recommendations to Trustees, offer direction to Officers and hold them to account. It can raise its concerns to the University and can be consulted on both University and Union development and change. Although having a role in union governance it is not a primary governing body of the Union.

11 Some tings council does (I.E) makes policy recommendations to the Trustees, makes policy recommendations to the Trustees, receive a quarterly report from the Trustees; receive a quarterly report from the Trustees; elect reps to the Board of Trustees. elect reps to the Board of Trustees. convene sub-committees convene sub-committees to admit and remove Honorary Members. to admit and remove Honorary Members. direct and hold accountable the Executive Committee. direct and hold accountable the Executive Committee. elect delegates to meetings and conferences. elect delegates to meetings and conferences. agree new and review existing affiliations agree new and review existing affiliations discuss and feed back on University initiatives and actions discuss and feed back on University initiatives and actions

12 Structure of the Student Council 10 Executive Committee Officers Up to 24 Affiliated Clubs and Society Representatives Up to 24 Student Academic Representatives (StAR’s) Up to 10 Elected Representatives Up to 64 seats in total

13 Student Council – Executive Reports Executive Committee shall present via the President a written report to every council meeting which shall outline past work performed since the last council meeting The report shall:- List work, activities, developments etc since the last meeting List the directions and action points from the previous Council Meetings, which have been delegated to that named Executive Officers Indicate whether all or part of the directions has been fulfilled List success, problems, concerns etc Encourage student council members to ask you questions on your report and share any thought and issues with them

14 Student Issues Your concern can be raised in a number of ways Your concern can be raised in a number of ways We encourage formal motions but you can get help with these We encourage formal motions but you can get help with these If you got something you want to raise speak to the chair, Eddie or President If you got something you want to raise speak to the chair, Eddie or President It important you let us know what you want discussed It important you let us know what you want discussed Must be of interest or LMU students Must be of interest or LMU students

15 Student Council – Policy and Motions What is a policy? What is a motion?

16 Student Council – Policy and Motions A policy is a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organisation or individual A policy is a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organisation or individual A motion is a formal proposal put to a legislature or committee, with the aim of making the policy happen A motion is a formal proposal put to a legislature or committee, with the aim of making the policy happen Oxford dictionary

17 Student Council – Policy and Motions A motion is split into 3 parts This council notes… (this is facts) This council notes… (this is facts) This council believes… (this is opinion) This council believes… (this is opinion) This council resolves… (this is action for the exec) This council resolves… (this is action for the exec) Motion tips: Motions should be student centred and on issues directly facing students Motions should be student centred and on issues directly facing students Motions should have a proposer and a seconder Motions should have a proposer and a seconder Keep them brief and to the point Keep them brief and to the point Motions and policies need to be submitted and passed for the SU to take a specific policy on an issue or to support a specific campaign. Motions and policies need to be submitted and passed for the SU to take a specific policy on an issue or to support a specific campaign. Motions and policies do not need to lay out in great detail what your plan or actions are. Your actions and steps to take can be seen as ‘within the spirit’’ of the policy. Motions and policies do not need to lay out in great detail what your plan or actions are. Your actions and steps to take can be seen as ‘within the spirit’’ of the policy. For example if the motion is about a campaign, you don’t need to list all the ways you may campaign: letter writing, posters, face-book, petition, lobby, placards, protests etc. It is enough to say ‘ SU to actively campaign and take action on this issue’ For example if the motion is about a campaign, you don’t need to list all the ways you may campaign: letter writing, posters, face-book, petition, lobby, placards, protests etc. It is enough to say ‘ SU to actively campaign and take action on this issue’ If you want help just ask us

18 Motion exercise Exercise Exercise Write a motion Write a motion

19 Submission of motions & amendments All motions must be submitted emailed to of the Student Union (which will be passed to the chair) at least 10 working days before the date of the council meeting. All motions must be submitted emailed to of the Student Union (which will be passed to the chair) at least 10 working days before the date of the council meeting. They will then be circulated. Amendments to motions (changes to them) can be submitted by any Student council members. to make an amendment you must have another SC members to support or ‘second’ you amendment the amendments. They will then be circulated. Amendments to motions (changes to them) can be submitted by any Student council members. to make an amendment you must have another SC members to support or ‘second’ you amendment the amendments. The chair will then update the agenda and send it round again at least 48 hours before the meeting. It will also be printed ready for the meeting. The chair will then update the agenda and send it round again at least 48 hours before the meeting. It will also be printed ready for the meeting.

20 Student Council – Quorum What is Quorum?

21 Student Council – Quaracy “Quorum” is a minimum number of members of council who should be present at a meeting to make it official “Quorum” is a minimum number of members of council who should be present at a meeting to make it official This number is set based on the total number of people who should be on council but can be adjusted if people are not elected to positions This number is set based on the total number of people who should be on council but can be adjusted if people are not elected to positions If a meeting is not quorate, votes can be taken but they are merely recommendations for future meetings If a meeting is not quorate, votes can be taken but they are merely recommendations for future meetings SC quorum is 50% + 1. SC quorum is 50% + 1.


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