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Preliminary Report 9 October 2013.  Whereas a well-educated, informed and active union membership contributes to healthy, democratic decision-making;

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Presentation on theme: "Preliminary Report 9 October 2013.  Whereas a well-educated, informed and active union membership contributes to healthy, democratic decision-making;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preliminary Report 9 October 2013

2  Whereas a well-educated, informed and active union membership contributes to healthy, democratic decision-making;  Whereas JACFA members have expressed a desire for greater consultation and input on decisions that affect their work conditions;  Be it resolved that the General Assembly mandates the JACFA Executive to strike a working group composed of teachers to begin immediately to examine the JACFA constitution.

3  open invitation to all JACFA members.  four meetings between13 June – 3 October; 12.5 total hours, sixteen total participants.  open discussion format

4  Tour de table: key concerns and challenges  Small group brainstorming sessions  How can we foster broader participation?

5  How can we strengthen our faculty union?  What is the relationship between the mandate of the working group and that of the General Assembly?  Volunteers offered to research various aspects of the Constitution and resources available to assist revision.

6  Roundtable discussion format  Volunteers presented summer research: 1) comparative data on constitutional reform 2) election procedures 3) executive release time 4) JACFA’s legal structure 5) quality of democratic processes

7  Key topics, themes and concerns compiled.  Draft report presented for feedback.  Content & format agreed upon.  Revised report circulated before 9 October GA.

8  Democratic processes and structures the Constitution would ideally promote.  Core principles: representation, transparency, accountability and participation.

9  1) Constitutional Reform (CR),  2) Best Practices (BP), and/or  3) Syndical Council (SC).

10 AIMS  How can we best represent concerns of all members including “minority” disciplines?  How to incorporate diverse opinions and outlooks?  Clarify ways to increase participation and improve representation with current constitution.

11 APPROACHES  CR: election procedures, executive term limits.  BP: examine existing models and practices from other CEGEPs and those emerging in 21 st century  SC: equal number of reps for all departments and disciplines;  SC: include solidarity rep, women’s group rep, non-perm, retired teachers rep, etc.

12 AIMS  Strengthen syndical well-being and promote participatory decision-making;  Foster participation by all members in syndical life;  Encourage all members to serve on committees and hold key positions;  Increase attendance at General Assemblies.

13 APPROACHES  BP: demonstrate to members their participation and input matters  BP: common hour  BP: invite faculty to submit to JACFA News  SC: participation by more members in day-to-day decisions;  SC/BP: increase mobilization within departments;

14 AIMS  Effective communication between members and between members and executive;  Be proactive and minimize conflicts;  Document decision-making processes;  Ensure all members have equal access to information.

15 APPROACHES  BP: create conflict resolution policy;  BP: create bylaws espousing effective communication, implementation of neutral and objective decision-making processes.  BP: review committee mandates and membership;  SC: three-way communication between departments, SC and exec.

16 AIMS  Balance individual (department) and collective (syndical) well-being in academic life;  Clear rules to elect teachers to key positions;  Mechanisms that foster transparency in the exercise of elected positions;

17 APPROACHES  CR / BP : clarify procedures for electing or appointing representations;  BP: bylaws to clarify responsibilities and role of committee members; clarify mechanisms of communication;

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