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1 Central Laboratories Just what are the Benefits of Cycling Projects? Glen Koorey Principal Researcher, Traffic Engineering & Road Safety Opus Central.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Central Laboratories Just what are the Benefits of Cycling Projects? Glen Koorey Principal Researcher, Traffic Engineering & Road Safety Opus Central."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Central Laboratories Just what are the Benefits of Cycling Projects? Glen Koorey Principal Researcher, Traffic Engineering & Road Safety Opus Central Laboratories, Lower Hutt

2 2 Central Laboratories Introduction l What is a "Cycling" Project? l Transfund Procedures l Standard Benefits l Other Benefits & Problems

3 3 Central Laboratories What is a "Cycling" Project? Traditional: Cycleways (off-road) Cycle lanes (on-road) Intersection markings/signals Cycle Parking facilities

4 4 Central Laboratories What is a "Cycling" Project? cont'd Revised: ANY Works that Benefit Cyclists Traffic Management / Calming Shoulder Widening Removal of Path Barriers "Pedestrian Improvement" Projects Regular Shoulder Clearing/Sweeping

5 5 Central Laboratories Transfund NZ Funding l Funds Roading Projects "Benefit/Cost Ratio" > 4 State Highways fully funded Local Roads ~50% funded l Also funds "Alternatives to Roading" (ATR) Projects Cycling included in Roading projects

6 6 Central Laboratories Transfund Benefit Calculations l Calculated over 25 Years from Construction l Future Year $$$ "discounted" to Present Value l Standard Benefits detailed in Project Evaluation Manual (PEM) l Hard to justify non-PEM Benefits

7 7 Central Laboratories Travel Time (TT) Benefits l Standard $Cost per hour of Travel Differs with Vehicle Type, Trip Purpose l Transfer Trips from Motor Veh to Cycle Slower  More Cost? Benefits depend on Congestion l "Short Cut" Routes for Cyclists TT Savings over previous Road Route Barrier Removal speeds up Trips

8 8 Central Laboratories Veh Operating Cost (VOC) Benefits l Standard $Cost per km of Travel Differs with Vehicle Type, Road Grade, Vehicle Speed, Road Roughness l NO Cyclist VOC costs in PEM Mode shift should save costs No Benefit from Cycle "Short Cuts"

9 9 Central Laboratories Accident (Crash) Benefits Most common Cycling Project benefits l Standard $Cost per recorded crash Differs by Severity, Vehicle Involved, Crash Type, Speed Limit l Crash numbers scaled up by "Under-reporting" factors Cycle-only crashes may still be under-represented Need to have SOME Crash History

10 10 Central Laboratories Example: Petone-Ngauranga Cycleway l 1996-2000 (5 years): 10 crashes on SH2 1 Fatal, 3 Serious, 4 Minor, 2 Non-Inj Total Cost of Crashes over 25 years: $5.84 million l Assume: 80% Reduction in Southbound Crashes 60% Reduction in Northbound Crashes l Predicted Cost of Crashes: $1.48 million over 25 years Saving: $4.36 million

11 11 Central Laboratories Other PEM Benefits l Environmental CO 2 & Other Emissions Noise Reduction Ground Vibration l Social Severance Site-Specific Discomfort l Reduced Maintenance Costs

12 12 Central Laboratories Benefits Not Specified l Physical Health Benefits l Urban Speed Reduction Only TT Disbenefits No Standard Safety Benefits l Perceived Risk Improvement Use of Typical Crash Rates l Security Benefits for Parking Facilities l Intangible "Willingness to Pay" (WTP) for Cycling Projects

13 13 Central Laboratories Other Problems l Modal Shift Effects How many people will switch to Cycling? l Trip Generation Demand How many new people will take up Cycling? l Cycle Count Data l Typical Crash Savings of Facilities l Network/Strategic Evaluation of Projects

14 Opus: an accomplished work, a creation, an achievement Central Laboratories

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