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Digestive System. Nutrients Substances in food that provide raw materials and energy the body needs to live Our digestive system turns the chemical energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Digestive System. Nutrients Substances in food that provide raw materials and energy the body needs to live Our digestive system turns the chemical energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digestive System

2 Nutrients Substances in food that provide raw materials and energy the body needs to live Our digestive system turns the chemical energy in these nutrients into energy we can use

3 Functions of the Digestive System Digests food into molecules the body can use (physical or chemical change) Absorbs nutrient molecules and carries them around the body (physical change) Eliminates waste material from unused nutrients

4 Digestion Process by which your body breaks down food into small nutrient molecules –Mechanical –Chemical

5 Mechanical Digestion Food is physically broken down into smaller pieces Begins in the mouth –Teeth –Movement of smooth muscles

6 Chemical Digestion Chemicals produced by the body break foods into their smaller nutrients –Mouth –Stomach

7 Absorption Process by which nutrient molecules pass through the wall of your digestive system into your blood –The lining of the small intestine is covered in villi that aid in absorption

8 Elimination Materials that are not absorbed leave the body as waste The waste material left over after food is digested must leave the body to prevent illness

9 Organs of the Digestive System MouthRectum EsophagusAnus StomachPancreas Small intestineGall Bladder Large intestineLiver

10 Mouth Digestion begins in the mouth –Mechanical – teeth –Chemical- saliva

11 Esophagus Muscular tube that connects your mouth to your stomach –moves food down into your stomach using involuntary muscle contractions (peristalsis) –Lined with mucus that allows food to slide down

12 The Stomach J-shaped muscular pouch Most mechanical digestion takes place in the stomach Chemical digestions also takes place –Stomach secretes digestive juice (enzymes) that break down food Average adult stomach holds 2 liters Mucus keeps the acids from burning a hole in your stomach

13 Stomach

14 Modeling Place the marble in the end of the tube and squeeze it down into the balloon.

15 Modeling What do you think this could be a model of? –What is the tube? –What is the balloon? –What is the marble? –What is the soap? esophagus stomach food saliva and mucus

16 Small Intestine Where most of the chemical digestion takes place Where most of the absorption takes place Covered in villi which enlarge the surface area

17 Small Intestine

18 Liver Breaks down medicines and other chemicals Produces bile that breaks up fat particles The gall bladder stores bile

19 Pancreas Produces enzymes that flow into the small intestine Secretes insulin Causes diabetes when it does not make insulin

20 Large Intestine Last section of the digestive tract Where water is absorbed Vitamin K is made by bacteria in the large intestine

21 Rectum and Anus Rectum – end of the large intestine, forms the solid waste –elimination Anus – muscular opening at the end of the rectum –elimination

22 Which cell parts are like the digestive system? Which one makes energy? Which one helps get rid of waste? mitochondria lysosomes Which one allows materials to pass in and out? cell membrane


24 The digestive System Interacts with: The digestive system depends on the muscular system to move the food through and for mechanical digestion, the circulatory system to move the absorbed nutrients around the body and the respiratory system to supply it with oxygen

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