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Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. What are civil rights and what are civil liberties? Civil Rights = The right of every person to equal protection under.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. What are civil rights and what are civil liberties? Civil Rights = The right of every person to equal protection under."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

2 What are civil rights and what are civil liberties? Civil Rights = The right of every person to equal protection under the law and equal access to society’s opportunities and public facilities. Civil Liberties = Individual rights that are protected from infringement by government.

3 Civil Rights and Equality “All men are created equal?” -Equality – One of the founding principles of our democracy, yet still unrealized. What is equality? -In theory, Americans have equal rights; in practice, they are not equal and never have been.

4 The Struggle for Equality: African Americans -Slavery and the Civil War Amendment -13th = Abolished Slavery -14 = Guaranteed equal protection and due process. -15 = Gave African Americans the right to vote. -Leads to Jim Crow Laws (Post 1877) -Laws passed in the South that required separation of blacks and whites in society. -Schools -Public transportation -Restaurants -everything

5 Landmark Court Cases -Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) -“Separate but equal” -S. Court endorsed Jim Crow Laws -The use of race as a criterion of exclusion in public matters was not unreasonable. -In other words, segregation is legal. -Brown v. Board of Education (1954) -Overturns public segregation, technically.

6 The Civil Rights Movement 1955 – Bus Boycott in Montgomery, AL 1957 – Little Rock, AK Desegregation

7 The Civil Rights Movement (continued) 1963 – March in Birmingham, AL led by MLK, Jr. 1963 – March on Washington, DC. “I have a dream” speech.

8 The Civil Rights Acts -Three civil rights acts were passed shortly after the Brown decision; did little to help the cause of blacks. -Civil Rights Act of 1964 -Civil Rights Act of 1968 -Voting Rights Act of 1965 -Supposed to help end segregation. -Question: How do you enforce this when the police are white?




12 Equality Today African Americans and Women: Notable Gains v. Continued Struggles De facto Discrimination: Discrimination that is the result of social, economic, or cultural biases or conditions. De jure Discrimination: Discrimination based on the law. How do you end discrimination? AFFIRMATIVE ACTION!!!

13 Affirmative Action  Affirmative Action  Deliberate effort to provide full and equal opportunities in  Employment,  Education  Other areas for women, minorities, and individuals belonging to other disadvantaged groups.

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