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Electronic Death Registration In California T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N I I USING EDRS IN A NON-EDRS COUNTY 2 0 0 7 _ 0 701.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Death Registration In California T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N I I USING EDRS IN A NON-EDRS COUNTY 2 0 0 7 _ 0 701."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Death Registration In California T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N I I USING EDRS IN A NON-EDRS COUNTY 2 0 0 7 _ 0 701

2 T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N I I — P A P E R O P T I O N S2 DC Death Certificate VS-11e VS-9e DP Disposition Permit

3 T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N I I — P A P E R O P T I O N S3 PI Personal Info MI Medical Info CI Coroner Info VS-11e

4 T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N I I — P A P E R O P T I O N S4 Icons –Search Lists –State/Foreign Country –Hispanic –Race –Occupation –Kind of Industry –Embalmers –Funeral Homes –Medical Facilities –Physicians (MDs & DOs) Field Sensitive Help Select Date Remote Attestation View PAC Fax image Listen to Voice ?

5 T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N I I — P A P E R O P T I O N S5 TRAINING NOTE: When using the Training Environment of EDRS, DO NOT create a Death Certificate of any live person Please use Cartoon, TV, Movie or other fictional characters Creating a DC of a living person is a violation of privacy

6 T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N I I — P A P E R O P T I O N S6 LOG IN & CREATE RECORD Enter User Name and Password Record Options > Create New Record Do not Assign Record Access Do not alter default values Note: Record Access is to allow other EDRS users to see a given record. Record Access is NOT the Funeral Home, Medical Facility, ME/Coroner, or Local Registrar on the Death Certificate. STEP 1

7 T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N I I — P A P E R O P T I O N S7 PERSONAL INFORMATION Enter PI Validations Sign for Embalmer, if applicable STEP 2 Validations > Validate PI Record Options > Print Working Copy Use search browser to auto-populate Embalmer Name & License # in Fields. 42 & 43. Otherwise type Embalmer Name & License # in fields 42 & 43. Record Options > Sign Embalmer If not embalmed, type NOT EMBALMED in Field 42 & a hyphen (-) in Field 43.

8 T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N I I — P A P E R O P T I O N S8 PERSONAL INFORMATION (continued) Verify Social Security Number (SSN) Authenticate PI Verify status in Decedent Folder STEP 2 Must enter First Name, Middle Name or initial, Last Name, Date of Birth, Sex,. and SSN in fields 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 10 respectively BEFORE SSNV Must attempt to Verify SSN at least once Record Options > Request SSN Verification Must complete both Sign Embalmer and Verify SSN BEFORE AUTH Record Options > Authenticate PI PI is now LOCKED for updates Record Options > Decedent Folder (PI Auth = AUTH )

9 T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N I I — P A P E R O P T I O N S9 MEDICAL INFORMATION STEP 3 Enter MI & CI, if applicable Validations For Coroner Referrals, use current manual process For Drop to Paper, go to STEP 4C For Dual Pass, go to STEP 4D Validations > Validate MI Validations > SpellCheck MI Record Options > Print Working Copy

10 T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N I I — P A P E R O P T I O N S10 DROP TO PAPER STEP 4C Drop to Paper Obtain Physician’s INK signature Submit Paper DC to Local Registrar for registration Confirm all PI and all MI are correct and accurate If an error is found AFTER you use Dual Pass, you will have to start over and request the incorrect EDRS record to be Abandoned. Record Option > Drop to Paper Record Option > Print Drop to Paper Confirm Printer Setting Page Scaling = NONE Black & White Laser printer only Place Official Paper in correct orientation in printer Print

11 T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N I I — P A P E R O P T I O N S11 DUAL PASS 1 STEP 4D Dual Pass Step 1 Get Physician’s INK signature Complete STEP 2, then go to STEP 4E Confirm all MI is correct and accurate If an error is found AFTER you use Dual Pass, you will have to start over and request the incorrect EDRS record to be Abandoned. Record Options > Dual Pass Step 1 Record Options > Print Dual Pass Step 1 Confirm Printer Setting Page Scaling = NONE Black & White Laser printer only Place Official DC Paper in correct orientation in printer Print

12 T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N I I — P A P E R O P T I O N S12 DUAL PASS 2 STEP 4E Dual Pass Step 2 Confirm 2 stacked numbers on the bottom of the DC are the same Submit Paper DC to Local Registrar for registration Confirm all PI is correct and accurate If an error is found AFTER you use Dual Pass, you will have to start over and request the incorrect EDRS record to be Abandoned. Record Options > Dual Pass Step 2 Record Options > Print Dual Pass Step 2 Confirm Printer Setting Page Scaling = NONE Black & White Laser printer only Place Correct DC from Dual Pass 1 in correct orientation in printer Print

13 T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N I I — P A P E R O P T I O N S13 CAUTION WHEN PRINTING! The following will be rejected & you will have to start over: If Dual Pass, the following will also be rejected: Printed with any color other than Black Printed with inkjet or any other non-laser printer Not printed 100% size (Printer Setting was NOT Page Scaling = NONE) Not printed on official paper Printed in wrong orientation (worksheet on back is upside down) DCs with 2 different stacked numbers on the bottom of the DC

14 T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N I I — P A P E R O P T I O N S14 Drop to Paper Death Certificate VS-11e Demo Physician MD DEMO REGISTRAR, MD MPH 12345678

15 T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N I I — P A P E R O P T I O N S15 Dual Pass Death Certificate VS-11e Demo Physician MD DEMO REGISTRAR, MD MPH 12345678

16 T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N I I — P A P E R O P T I O N S16 Steps 1 2 3 4C Steps 1 3 4D 2 4E DROP TO PAPER DUAL PASS

17 T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N I I — P A P E R O P T I O N S17 THANK YOU This completes Training Session II Using EDRS in non-EDRS county

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