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Phil Hays 2006 Junior Advisory Session 3 Mr. Hays October 10, 2006.

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2 Phil Hays 2006 Junior Advisory Session 3 Mr. Hays October 10, 2006

3 Phil Hays 2006 Where Will the Jobs of Tomorrow Be? ► What is the expected pay like? ► What knowledge, skills and abilities are needed for this career? ► What do you need to do to enter this career? ► How soon can you become a millionaire? Source: The Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board (n.d.).

4 Phil Hays 2006 Who Wants to Be A Millionaire?

5 Phil Hays 2006 Where Will the Jobs of Tomorrow Be? ► Go to:  Demographic changes: Charts 2 & 3  Jobs shifting to service sectors: Chart 4  Job growth by occupation: Chart 6  Occupations with highest growth rates: Chart 7 ► Note differences in rates from PT and PT assistants  Occupations with the most openings: Chart 8  Occupations in decline: Chart 9  Occupation growth via replacement needs: Chart 10

6 Phil Hays 2006

7 Invest in Yourself First! ► An education pays for itself over and over and over again! Level of Education Mean Annual Earnings Not a high school graduate $18,793 High school graduate $26,795 * Bachelor’s degree $50,623 Master’s degree $63,592 Ph.D.$85,675 Professional$101,375 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, March 2002 * Workers with some college education outpace high school graduates by nearly $4,000 per year! Source: The Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board (n.d.).

8 Phil Hays 2006 Invest in Yourself First!

9 Phil Hays 2006 Plan A: Make A Plan! ► Don’t know what you want to do?  Start at Workforce Explorer Career Center Workforce Explorer Career CenterWorkforce Explorer Career Center ► Take the Interest Profiler quiz Interest Profiler Interest Profiler ► Take the Work values locater quiz Work values locaterWork values locater  Select an occupation from the search results and click “Explore”

10 Phil Hays 2006 1 4 3 2

11 Career Education Data Sheet ► What are the entry level wages?  $____ per hour/month/year ► What are the average wages?  $____ per hour/month/year ► What are 2-3 industries where this occupation can be found?  _____________________ ► What is the employment forecast?  Growing or shrinking, at what rate? ____%  How many openings are forecast? _____ ► What are the top 2-3 skills/tasks associated with this type of work?  __________________________ ► What type of training is offered?  What education, certification or degrees are required? ______________________ ► What are some of the keywords used to describe this career choice?  _______________________ ► Is this the career for you? ______  Why or Why not?

12 Phil Hays 2006 Education: The Human Resource ► “Technology has the shelf life of a banana.”  Scott McNealy, CEO Sun MicroSystems ► Human resources are the only sustainable competitive advantage.  Invest in lifelong learning  Then, save early and save often!

13 Phil Hays 2006 Internet Tools for Career Exploration ►  Tomorrow’s Jobs (US Bureau of Labor Statistics) ►  Workforce Explorer site for WA state ►  WA local area occupation demand/decline lists ►  WA directory of training sources for occupations ►  A service of CareerInfoNet ►  Commercial salary info website

14 Phil Hays 2006 Internet Sources for College Planning & Scholarship Information http://www.collegeboard.c om/student/pay/index.html http://www.choosetosave. org/calculators/ http://www.offtocollege.c om/first_time/junior.html

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