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Nonrenewable Resources

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1 Nonrenewable Resources
By: Christina Whiteaker

2 Used for??? Metal- Jewelry, cell phone, coins, computers, medical, dental, &rings Gold- medicine, jewelry, & electronics Silver- black gold, coal, petroleum, & minerals

3 Metal- there are many types of metals they all do so much for earth.
Effects on Earth Silver can turn clean good water turned into bad nasty water so we cant drink it no more. Gold-people are going crazy looking for it that they are messing up the land that is ho9me to many animals. Metal- there are many types of metals they all do so much for earth.

4 Effect on organisms Metal is natural from the earth crust. It will not hurt an organism. It cant hurt people or animals. Silver has germicidal effects and kills many lower organisms effectively without harm to higher animals.

5 Effect on organisms Gold cant really hurt organisms but can at the same time. Because its so valuable everyone wants it and when someone finds it a lot of people go there to look for it that’s how it hurts a organisms it can take away homes or food for them that they are in need of.

6 Useful energy Gold can pass on heat as a energy. For example in a computer when you are sending something like an e mail or picture the computer heats up this part to send it and that part is made out of gold.

7 Silver can be changed into heat and electrify.
Useful energy Silver can be changed into heat and electrify. Metal it turns Carbon dioxide into a useful energy it’s a really good thing because Carbon dioxide hurts earth.

8 Dangers of using For gold the only dangers thing is if you find some you will get stuck on looking for it and will never stop there people till today looking for it. I read this is this man that found a little bite and for the last 15 years he has been searching the same place for more. Metal- you should not use on cars where not need it can cause mess up the car really bad. Silver- there is a pill that has silver particles in it that can hurt people.

9 Dangers of transporting
gold, silver, & metal If transporting these without the right to you can end up in jail.

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