9b) Website, without Consultant TxDOT. Old Home Page 2  By early 2012, the amount of information on TxDOT.gov was exceeding the capabilities of the existing.

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Presentation on theme: "9b) Website, without Consultant TxDOT. Old Home Page 2  By early 2012, the amount of information on TxDOT.gov was exceeding the capabilities of the existing."— Presentation transcript:

1 9b) Website, without Consultant TxDOT

2 Old Home Page 2  By early 2012, the amount of information on TxDOT.gov was exceeding the capabilities of the existing design. −Too many options and images under “Quick Links” −Too many “What’s New” links −Too many options overall

3 New Home Page 3  Our new home page welcomes visitors with clear organization and a more elegant look and feel. −Clean lines −White space −Clear audience-based paths −Links to the most popular content −Customizable news based on user location

4 Mobile Home Page 4  Going Mobile −Because 11 percent of users were accessing TxDOT.gov with a mobile device, we developed a mobile site.

5 Mobile Device Use Mobile Web 5 359,346 235,065 887,357

6 Careers 6  Opportunities −To make the job search process simpler for everyone, we created an easy-to-use, graphically driven career search page.

7 Media Room 7  News Around the State −Listed by TxDOT district, local news is now easy to find. −In the Media Room page, the media now has a single source for news, podcasts and public awareness campaigns.

8 Get Involved 8  Public Involvement −Citizen involvement is critical to TxDOT. We developed a clean interface for finding local hearings and meetings, volunteer opportunities, and committee information. −The next three upcoming meetings are displayed, with the full schedule one click away.

9 Driver Audience 9  User-centered Design −Audience pages serve as portals to content relevant to the needs of a particular user group. −The Driver page provides information to the general public on travel, tourism and safety.

10 Government Audience 10  Federal, State and Local Governments Information and Assistance −Audience pages also feature specialized banners. −The “How Do I” section guides users to the most popular content.

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