DECS Principles of Improvement & Effectiveness DECS School Self Study Template Site Improvement Case Study: [school name]

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Presentation on theme: "DECS Principles of Improvement & Effectiveness DECS School Self Study Template Site Improvement Case Study: [school name]"— Presentation transcript:

1 DECS Principles of Improvement & Effectiveness DECS School Self Study Template Site Improvement Case Study: [school name]

2 DECS Principles of Improvement & Effectiveness DECS School Self Study Template Site Profile purpose, priorities, vision, values Location and facilities Community and parent characteristics School planning and financial processes Other KEY INQUIRY: What are the unique characteristics of our site? Staff Profile Backgrounds/Skills/Specialisations Teaching / SSO Experience Staff Mobility / Absence Leadership positions / profile / changes Student Profile Enrolments / Transience/Origin/Destination Learner Characteristics (eg SWD, ATSI, NESB, School Card, GOMS, SHIP, ILP/NEP, Referrals) Attendance / Behaviour Management

3 DECS Principles of Improvement & Effectiveness DECS School Self Study Template Teaching & Learning Beliefs& expectations – site/class Range of teaching & learning practices/programs at site/class level Instructional time use, assessment/reporting strategies / support for targeted groups and individuals Other KEY INQUIRY: What are the processes, practices and programs operating in our site?

4 DECS Principles of Improvement & Effectiveness DECS School Self Study Template Site Support Processes & Structures Student management and support Decision making and planning Staff induction, performance management & development Monitoring, evaluation and review of programs / outcomes Budget and resource processes District office support and services accessed Other KEY INQUIRY: What are our processes, practices and programs operating in our site?

5 DECS Principles of Improvement & Effectiveness DECS School Self Study Template Perceptions (Student, Staff & Parents Surveys, Focus Groups etc) Wellbeing / Relationships / Communication / Leadership Student support / Teaching and learning / Expectations Partnerships Other KEY INQUIRY: What are the experiences of our learners and key stakeholders?

6 DECS Principles of Improvement & Effectiveness DECS School Self Study Template Learner Achievement DLOs, SEA, Running Records Literacy- Writing, Reading, Spelling, Speaking & Listening Numeracy- Measurement, Space, Number SACSA Outcomes Yr 2, 4 & 6 in English & Mathematics Other Site Based Measures e.g. SEA, Running Records KEY INQUIRY: What are the results our learners are achieving?

7 DECS Principles of Improvement & Effectiveness DECS School Self Study Template What are the main drivers of performance or root causes of issues?

8 DECS Principles of Improvement & Effectiveness DECS School Self Study Template What are the key change focus areas?

9 DECS Principles of Improvement & Effectiveness DECS School Self Study Template What goals and strategies are emerging? Planning Implications Goal 1… Possible strategies What are the implications for improvement planning?

10 DECS Principles of Improvement & Effectiveness DECS School Self Study Template What will support achievement of these goals? What resources are required?

11 DECS Principles of Improvement & Effectiveness DECS School Self Study Template How will changes best happen and in what order?

12 DECS Principles of Improvement & Effectiveness DECS School Self Study Template What progress has been made to date? What are the next steps?

13 DECS Principles of Improvement & Effectiveness DECS School Self Study Template What district and system issues have been identified? What are the implications for the system?

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