COMM 470 Agenda - Week 7 RAT 3 Today LC1 Due Today Eye Contact Listening Exercise for Week 8 TEAMS – please remove RP3a forms ITE7a – Calibrate with Your.

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Presentation on theme: "COMM 470 Agenda - Week 7 RAT 3 Today LC1 Due Today Eye Contact Listening Exercise for Week 8 TEAMS – please remove RP3a forms ITE7a – Calibrate with Your."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMM 470 Agenda - Week 7 RAT 3 Today LC1 Due Today Eye Contact Listening Exercise for Week 8 TEAMS – please remove RP3a forms ITE7a – Calibrate with Your Team - How was Listening this Week? Review of ITE6 - Swets’ FAILURE, SUCCESS ITE 7b – Reflect Back, Part I

2 Procedures for RATs Clear Your Desktop of Everything Except: A Scantron A Blank Sheet of Paper Your Copy of the RAT Be sure to write your name on your copy of the RAT Refer to the Directions in Your Folder

3 In-Class Team Exercise # 7a Discuss: How did you do with EYE CONTACT this week? Count how many times; share 2 examples Deliverable : Summarize in a table how many conversations you each had where you: 1) thought about the assignment, and then 2) succeeded partially 3) succeeded completely 4) ADDED: estimate your TOTAL # of conversations last week ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How did you do on “Sharing of One’s Self” this week? Share an example if you have one...

4 Eye Contact, Continued Pair Up: Pick an A and a B (A has the longest hair) A talk to B for 2 minutes about A Recent Movie (or TV Show) You Saw B’s Job is to Attend to A in all ways except eye contact – use inappropriate eye contact (too little) Reverse Roles (use too much eye contact) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deliverable : None

5 Listening Exercise – for Week 8 Focus on: Presenting “Open” Body Language – As a Listener or a Speaker (Arms, Legs, Posture, Facing, Head Movements, etc.) Notice the Body Language of Others Notice how much eye contact others make Also Make it a Point to: Continue to Attend to Eye Contact Reveal something about yourself (as appropriate)

6 In-Class Team Exercise # 7b Paired sharing: Share Music Category Preferences within the Team (Hip Hop, Classic Rock, Country, World Beat, Classical, Jazz, Blues, Reggae, etc.) Pair Yourself with Someone with Different Tastes Designate an A (First in Alphabet) and a B A – Describe your favorite concert (or band) B – restate, reword, reflect A’s position during the conversation (ala Carl Rogers) – until A is satisfied you’re got it Reverse Roles ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deliverable : On your ITE sheet, List the pairs and the type of music each person likes

7 In-Class Team Exercise # 7c Change pairs for more paired sharing: Find a topic on which you disagree (Iraq, NSA spying, abortion, environmental issues, PETA, men, women, family, kids, relationships) Designate an A (Comes second in alphabet) and a B A - state your position B – restate, reword, reflect A’s position during the conversation (ala Carl Rogers) – until A is satisfied you’re got it Reverse Roles ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deliverable : On your ITE sheet, List the pairs and the issue about which each pair disagreed

8 10 Factors Influencing the Listening Process 1. Culture (11 2. Gender (11 3. Age (111 4. Hemispheric Specialization 5. Physical & Psychological States (1111 111 6. Attitudes (1111 1111 1 7. Self-concept (11 8. Receiver Apprehension (1 9. Time (1 10. Listener Preferences

9 Causes of Communication Breakdown FAILURE: 1. Fear (111 2. Assumptions (1111 1111 1 3. Insensitivity 4. Labeling (1 5. Uncertainty (1111 111 6. Resentment (1 7. Egotism (1111 11

10 Attributes of Successful Communication SUCCESS: 1. Self-awareness (11 2. Understanding (1111 1111 3. Care for others (1111 4. Control of Emotions (1111 1 5. Esteem of one’s self (1 6. Self-confidence (1111 1 7. Sharing of one’s self (11

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