Chapter 4.3 Types of Societies Societies across the world change based on environment, interaction, and time.

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1 Chapter 4.3 Types of Societies Societies across the world change based on environment, interaction, and time.

2 Groups A set of people who – interact on the basis of shared expectations – who possess some degree of common identity – Largest groups we study are societies.

3 Subsistence Strategies This is how sociologists tend to classify societies Subsistence strategies – The way a society uses technology to provide for the needs of its members.

4 Preindustrial Societies Food production is the highest priority – Carried out through the use of human and animal labor – Groups of preindustrial societies Hunting and gathering Pastoral Horticultural Agricultural

5 Hunting and Gathering Societies Collect food daily by – Hunting wild animals – Collecting wild fruit and vegetables Everyone hunts and gathers Constantly move in search of food – Usually live in temporary housing Huts tepees

6 Pastoral Societies Rely on domesticated herd animals for food Sheep Cattle Lamb Less people needed to work for food in society – Division of labor Some people become craftworkers, mothers, etc.

7 Horticultural Societies Grow food in farms Have high level of technology Use slash and burn tactics for crops – Wild vegetation is burned – Ash turns into compost for new farming. Large division of labor – Strictly because of surplus of food

8 Agricultural Societies Animals pull plows to till fields and farms – Technology allows farming to make large surplus of food Silos Tractors Plows Irrigation Bartering does not take place Use money Large division of labor

9 Industrial Societies Instead of focusing on food, they focus on production of goods! – How? Buy food from other people! Produce goods using machines! – Sell for much higher price. Causes urbanization – Concentration of population in urban areas

10 Postindustrial Societies Economy focuses on providing information and services. – In US, 73% of workforce do this. 2% work in agriculture 25% produce goods Place strong emphasis on science and technology Society is stable

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