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Ch 39/40 – Fish/Amphibian A. AgnathaD. Anura B. Condrichtheyes E. Urodela C. OsteichthyesF. Apoda Toad D Caecilian F Bass C.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 39/40 – Fish/Amphibian A. AgnathaD. Anura B. Condrichtheyes E. Urodela C. OsteichthyesF. Apoda Toad D Caecilian F Bass C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 39/40 – Fish/Amphibian A. AgnathaD. Anura B. Condrichtheyes E. Urodela C. OsteichthyesF. Apoda Toad D Caecilian F Bass C

2 Ch 39/40 – Fish/Amphibian Fishes depend on their_________ for balance, steering, and swimming. These structures are fan-shaped membranes supported by stiff spines. FINS Breeding in fishes is called____________. SPAWNING Amphibians differ from lobe-finned fishes and most other fishes in that they take in oxygen through their __________ and skin. LUNGS Salamanders and ________ are amphibians with a distinct head, tail and limbs. NEWTS

3 Ch 39/40 – Fish/Amphibian TRUE OR FALSE Lobe-Finned fishes were the ancestors of amphibians: TRUE There are 8 classes of vertebrates today: FALSE Caecilians are tropical, nocternal and have 4 legs FALSE Sharks have a swim bladder: FALSE

4 Ch 39/40 – Fish/Amphibian The ________ of a fish can be toothlike, diamond- shaped, cone-shaped or round. These structures are made of bone formed from the skin. SCALES The skeletons of lampreys, hagfishes, and sharks are made of tough, flexible material called___________. CARTILAGE Frogs and toads are amphibians of the order________. ANURA In amphibians, “skin breathing” is called _______respiration. CUTANEOUS

5 Ch 39/40 – Fish/Amphibian A. AgnathaD. Anura B. Condrichtheyes E. Urodela C. OsteichthyesF. Apoda Skate B Hagfish A Ray B

6 Ch 39/40 – Fish/Amphibian Amphibians achieve more efficient circulation than fishes because of their ________-loop circulatory system. 2 Young frogs respire using _______, while adult frogs respire using _______ and skin. GILLS, LUNGS All fishes posses a(n)________ which permit them to detect movement and vibrations in the water. LATERAL LINE SYSTEM Many bony fishes posses a(n)__________which can control the depth in the water. SWIM BLADDER

7 Ch 39/40 – Fish/Amphibian Perch, Bluegill, Trout are members of the class_____. OSTEICHTHEYES Sharks have __________fertilization. INTERNAL Fishes have a ________chambered heart 2 Amphibians have a _______chambered heart. 3

8 Ch 39/40 – Fish/Amphibian A. AgnathaD. Anura B. Condrichtheyes E. Urodela C. OsteichthyesF. Apoda Shark B Lamprey A Frog D

9 Ch 39/40 – Fish/Amphibian The tympanic membrane is another word for the ________. EARDRUM The process of change that transforms a tadpole into an adult frog is called_____________. METAMORPHOSIS The male Darwin’s frog protects maturing eggs by enclosing them in its_________ MOUTH The word “agnatha” means__________ JAWLESS

10 Ch 39/40 – Fish/Amphibian A. AgnathaD. Anura B. Condrichtheyes E. Urodela C. OsteichthyesF. Apoda Walleye C Hagfish A Ray B

11 Ch 39/40 – Fish/Amphibian The word “condrichtheys” means ________. CARTILAGE FISH The word “amphibian” means ___________. DOUBLE LIFE The word “osteichtheys means __________. BONY FISH The structure that covers the gill chamber in fish is called the OPERCULUM

12 Ch 39/40 – Fish/Amphibian A. AgnathaD. Anura B. Condrichtheyes E. Urodela C. OsteichthyesF. Apoda Salamander E Bluegill C Newt E

13 Ch 39/40 – Fish/Amphibian Ectothermic means ________. “COLD BLOODED” This amphibian is “worm like”_____________. CAECILIANS Frogs are _________ while toads are more ____________ (hint: habitat) AQUATIC, TERRESTRIAL Do fish or amphibians have a more efficient circulatory system. AMPHIBIANS

14 Ch 39/40 – Fish/Amphibian TRUE OR FALSE Jawless fishes were the first vertebrates to evolve: TRUE In amphibians, reproductive cells and waste exit the body through the cloacal opening: TRUE Members of the class Osteichthyes have skeletons made of cartilage: FALSE The first fishes to develop jaws were called spiny fishes, members of the class Acanthodia TRUE

15 Ch 39/40 – Fish/Amphibian “skin breathing” CUTANEOUS The order name for Caecilians: APODA Sharks may lose __________ teeth in their lifetime. 20,000 Salamanders : tails:: CAECILIANS : NO LEGS

16 Ch 39/40 – Fish/Amphibian Fish exhibit a process called ______ _____, which enables maximum diffusion of oxygen into the blood. COUNTER CURRENT FLOW An example of a condrichtheys : SHARK, SKATE, RAY Jaws were thought to evolve from: GILL ARCHES Toothlike spine that covers the skin of cartilaginous fishes PLACOID SCALE

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