7th Grade Language Arts Mrs. Passarelli Room 2108 Contact Information: : : (630)636-2650 : Voice Mail : (630)636-2650 Website.

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Presentation on theme: "7th Grade Language Arts Mrs. Passarelli Room 2108 Contact Information: : : (630)636-2650 : Voice Mail : (630)636-2650 Website."— Presentation transcript:

1 7th Grade Language Arts Mrs. Passarelli Room 2108 Contact Information: : : (630)636-2650 : Email : spassarelli@sd308.org Voice Mail : (630)636-2650 Website : http://mysite.oswego308.org/schools/th/staff.asp?EID=2115spassarelli@sd308.org http://mysite.oswego308.org/schools/th/staff.asp?EID=2115 Twitter Account: @MrsPassarelli

2 My professional resume: Bachelor’s Degree in English from NIU Master of Arts Degree and Teaching Certificate from AU Began at Thompson as a paraprofessional My 8 th year teaching here at TJHS

3 My Family:

4 7th Grade Language Arts Curriculum

5 7 th Grade Units Based on the Common Core State Standards http://www.corestandards.org/ Quarter One Unit One: Short Stories (Literature) Unit Two: Nonfiction Unit Three: Paired fiction and nonfiction texts Quarter Two Unit Four:Novel Study Unit Five: Narrative Writing

6 7 th Grade Units Based on the Common Core State Standards http://www.corestandards.org/ Quarter Three Unit Six: Comparing and analyzing various texts to multimedia versions of the same story Unit Seven: Research and Presentation Quarter Four Unit Eight: Argument Writing Unit Nine: Debate

7 Novel Studies The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton The Giver by Lois Lowry **I recommend, but do not require the students to have their own copy of the novel so that they may freely annotate.

8 Grammar and Usage Conventions Usage Phrases (adjective and adverb) Clauses (adjective, adverb, and noun) Verbals (gerunds, infinitives, and participles) Types of sentences (simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences) Misplaced and dangling modifiers Commas to separate coordinate adjectives Spelling

9 Composition Narrative (text based) Argumentative (Issue oriented) Informative/ Explanatory We will be practicing these writing genres every quarter in some form.

10 Research Topic: The impact of a person or the impact of a group of people on society Skills Focus:  Note Taking  Credible Sources  Research Questions  Summarizing and Paraphrasing  Relevant and sufficient support  Developing a Basic outline  Creating Topic Sentences  Presentation with a focus on main ideas

11 Vocabulary Vocabulary Acquisition and Usage Unknown and multiple meaning words Context Clues Greek and Latin Affixes and Roots Dictionary and Thesaurus Skills

12 Classroom Management

13 Classroom & Behavioral Guidelines Respect yourself and others Come to class prepared to learn Follow directions Be responsible Always do your best!

14 Assignments/Homework Homework is practice  Homework should be completed on the day it is due. Homework will receive a 1 if it is completed and ready to check, a 0 if it is incomplete or if it is done but not in the classroom when it is due. Graded assignments, compositions and projects not completed or turned in on the day they are due will be considered “LATE” and will lose 10% of the grade each day they are late. (No late assignment will receive less than 50% of the possible points)

15 Student Grades The following categories will be used for student grades: Homework (homework practice) Classwork (graded assignments and short writing assignments) Projects (compositions, group projects and individual long-term assignments) Tests Quizzes Participation/ Graded Discussions

16 What to do if you are absent? If a student is absent, he/she will have 1 day plus the number of day absent to complete assigned work. All assignments that were due on the day of your absence should be turned in promptly upon the student’s return to school. Students should check Homework Hotline when they are out if possible and the “Were you Absent?” folder when they return. If a student misses a test or quiz, they should see me upon their return to set up a time to take it. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what they missed when they were absent.

17 To get to my Website

18 To get to my Website:


20 My website will include:

21 Thank you for coming! Feel free to contact me any time. I look forward to working with you this year! Mrs. Stefanie Passarelli Spassarelli0416@oswego308.org (630)636-2650 http://mysite.oswego308.org/schools/th/sta ff.asp?EID=2115

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