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LEADERSHIP | COMMUNITY | DEMOCRACY Transforming young leaders’ inspiration into action that improves our communities and strengthens our democracy.

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Presentation on theme: "LEADERSHIP | COMMUNITY | DEMOCRACY Transforming young leaders’ inspiration into action that improves our communities and strengthens our democracy."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEADERSHIP | COMMUNITY | DEMOCRACY Transforming young leaders’ inspiration into action that improves our communities and strengthens our democracy.

2 WHAT IS INSPIRE WEST VIRGINIA?  National Organization  Inspire U.S. | AZ, KY, NC, VA, CO, NV  Improving Communities through civic engagement projects:  Registering peers to VOTE  Informing VOTERS  Getting young people out to vote  Peer Engaged  Issues WE care about


4 WHY ARE WE HERE?  One in five West Virginians between 16 - 24 are not going to school and are not working  Fewer than ¼ of 18 - 29 year olds voted in the 2012 election  WV ranks 43 rd in the nation for voter turnout and 44 th in volunteering  Teens in WV raise our volunteer ranking from 44 th to 27 th in the nation Good News: We can change this!

5 WHY VOTE?  Play a role in choosing our leaders and changing our laws  Have a voice in the things happening in our country, in West Virginia, and in your community  Every vote counts and many elections have been determined by just a few votes:  Richard Nixon, not John F. Kennedy, would have become President of the U.S. in 1960 if one person from each voting place had voted differently. Copyright © 2005 County of Knox, State of Illinois, Office of the Knox County Clerk.

6 ISSUES THAT MATTER TO US  Employment/ Jobs  Bullying and Dating Violence  Substance Abuse  Driving Laws  Marriage Equality  Student Loans  College Affordability  Teen Pregnancy  Poverty  Coal Industry

7 NATIONAL VOTER REGISTRATION DAY SEPTEMBER 22 ND  Last year, over 400 organizations (including Inspire) registered more than 155,000 people to vote.  Inspire WV students registered 1,300 students to vote among 16 different high schools!  This year, we’re doing it again! Now in 30 WV high schools

8 WHAT CAN YOU DO TODAY?  Register to Vote! #inspire2vote #celebrateNVRD  Complete a Pledge Card  Already registered? Pledge to Vote!  Can’t register to vote? Pledge to Register! ( In WV, you can register at 17 as long as you’re 18 by Nov. 8, 2016)

9 WANT MORE INFORMATION? #inspire2vote @inspireWestVirginia @inspireWV

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