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Biology 1 st Semester Review Jeopardy - 2 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 300 400 500 A: Ecology 2.

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2 Biology 1 st Semester Review Jeopardy - 2 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 300 400 500 A: Ecology 2 B: Nervous C: Cardio vascular D: Other Physio 1 E: Endo- crine Final Jeopardy F: Grab Bag 100 200 300 400 500

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4 Question Answer A-100 ANSWER: The general term for feeding levels of organisms in food chains/webs QUESTION: What is a trophic level?

5 Question Answer A-200 DAILY DOUBLE! ANSWER: The trophic level at which the greatest amount of energy is available QUESTION: What is the producer level?

6 Question Answer A-300 ANSWER: The 4 factors that affect population size QUESTION: What are births, immigration, deaths and emigration?

7 Question Answer A-400 ANSWER: 10% QUESTION: What is the amount of energy available from one trophic level to the next level above?

8 Question Answer A-500 ANSWER: Stable ecosystems have more of this factor QUESTION: What is biodiversity?

9 Question Answer ANSWER: Fast, automatic responses by the nervous system to stimuli, usually don’t involve the brain QUESTION: What are reflexes? B-100

10 Question Answer B-200 ANSWER: The 3 types of neurons and their functions QUESTION: What are sensory neurons that receive input, motor neurons that convey responses, and interneurons that transfer and interpret messages

11 Question Answer B-300 ANSWER: The typical 5-step pathway for a nerve impulse to get a message from a stimulus to the brain and a response back QUESTION: What is this pathway: receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron, effector?

12 Question Answer B-400 ANSWER: changing the inside of the neuron from negative to positive as sodium (Na+) ions rush inside QUESTION: What is depolarization?

13 Question Answer B-500 ANSWER: QUESTION: What is: A.Neurotransmitter B.Next neuron or cell C.Synapse D.Vesicle E.Axon terminal

14 Question Answer C-100 ANSWER: The function of valves in the cardiovascular system QUESTION: What is the prevention of backflow of blood?

15 Question Answer C-200 DAILY DOUBLE! ANSWER: 3 functions of blood QUESTION: What are 3 of: gas transport (oxygen, carbon dioxide), nutrient transport, waste removal, protection (via white blood cells), chemical balance

16 Question Answer C-300 ANSWER: The 4 heart chambers in the order blood flows thru the heart QUESTION: What are: F: right atrium G: right ventricle B: left atrium A: left ventricle

17 Question Answer C-400 ANSWER: The structure in the heart that regulates heart beat QUESTION: What is the sinoatrial node?

18 Question Answer C-500 ANSWER: The function of each of the 3 major blood cell types in blood. QUESTION: What do these cells do? Red blood cells: carry oxygen to cells White blood cells: fight disease Platelets: help make clots when there is a cut

19 Question Answer D-100 ANSWER: The functional unit of the urinary system and its main function QUESTION: What is the nephron and filtration (of blood)?

20 Question Answer D-200 ANSWER: Alveoli QUESTION: What are tiny sacs at the end of the lung’s passages at which the exchange of gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide) occurs between the lungs and blood?

21 Question Answer D-300 ANSWER: The two body systems primarily responsible for bringing oxygen to, and removing carbon dioxide from, the body QUESTION: What are the cardiovascular (circulatory) and respiratory systems?

22 Question Answer D-400 ANSWER: The part of the brain that controls learning, memory and conscious thought QUESTION: What is the cerebrum?

23 Question Answer D-500 ANSWER: 3 functions of the urinary system QUESTION: What are removing wastes from (filtering) blood, maintaining proper blood pH, and maintaining proper blood volume

24 Question Answer E-100 ANSWER: Pituitary gland QUESTION: What is the main endocrine gland that controls other endocrine glands?

25 Question Answer E-200 ANSWER: A process in which the result returns (or maintains) a controlled condition to normal QUESTION: What is a negative feedback system (or feedback inhibition)?

26 Question Answer E-300 ANSWER: The part of the brain that controls the endocrine system, thirst, hunger and sleep QUESTION: What is the hypothalamus?

27 Question Answer E-400 ANSWER: Chemicals that regulate the activity of cells different from the cell that secreted the chemical QUESTION: What are hormones?

28 Question Answer E-500 ANSWER: 4 body functions regulated by hormones QUESTION: What are 4 of the following? Growth, metabolism, stress response, reproduction, gender characteristics, blood sugar levels, body temperature, blood chemical levels (others possible)

29 Question Answer F-100 DAILY DOUBLE! ANSWER: What we call consumers that eat producers QUESTION: What are herbivores?

30 Question Answer F-200 ANSWER: The reason why so little energy is availabe from one trophic level to the next level above QUESTION: What is: it is lost as heat to the environment

31 Question Answer F-300 ANSWER: ID of the parts on the diagram at right QUESTION: What are: A.Nucleus B.Axon C.Myelin sheath D.Axon terminal E.Cell body F.Dendrite

32 Question Answer F-400 ANSWER: A major process that removes carbon from the atmosphere QUESTION: What is photosynthesis?

33 Question Answer F-500 ANSWER: Lock & key model QUESTION: How is the fit between an enzyme and its substrate described?

34 Question Answer FINAL JEOPARDY ANSWER: Independent variable, dependent variable & control in the experiment at right; type of graph that should be made QUESTION: What are light color, total plant growth, clear light and bar graph? Effect of Color of Light on Plant Growth Light Color Total plant growth after 2 wk (cm) Clear18 Red7 Blue9 Green12

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