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Nervous System/ Endocrine System

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1 Nervous System/ Endocrine System

2 Nervous System Nervous system: The system of cells, tissues and organs that regulates the body's responses to internal and external stimuli The nervous system is made up of: nervous tissue, the brain, and the spinal column Plays a key role in maintaining internal balance

3 Nervous System The brain – control center for the nervous system
Hypothalamus- regulates water balance, body temperature, feeding, sleep and the endocrine system Endocrine system: made up of glands and cells that release hormones into the blood

4 Endocrine System Hormones: chemical messengers in the body. They regulate internal balances like water and blood sugar balance Only certain target cells are able to respond to the hormone. If an organ has a receptor for that hormone than it will respond

5 Endocrine System Receptors: proteins that fit the shape of a specific hormone molecule. They work in a lock and key fashion Dehydration example: hypothalamus detects that the body is short of water (concentration of sodium increases)

6 Endocrine System Hypothalamus signals the pituitary gland to release vasopressin (a type of hormone) into the bloodstream. Vasopressin binds to the receptors in the kidney Vasopressin causes the tubules in kidneys to become more permeable to water

7 Nervous System Remember: reabsorbing water and losing less in the urine prevents the body from going into dehydration. Feedback- Body automatically sensing changing conditions

8 Nervous System Feedback is important for maintaining internal balance
Feedback can cause the body to counteract the initial condition or enhance them.

9 Nervous System Negative feedback: body reacts to internal conditions that need to change by trying to change the balance away from them. Ex: dehydration, blood pressure Blood pressure: nervous system sensors in neck detect change. Signal is sent to brain. Brain responds by increasing heart rate. Increased heart rate increases blood pressure.

10 Nervous System The brain also signals blood vessels to constrict which also increase blood pressure. Positive feedback: adjusts internal conditions toward the initial. Ex: being cut

11 Review: Nervous system: fast acting responses such as thirst hunger Endocrine: slower and longer lasting responses such as secretion of vasopressin

12 Nervous system has two types of cells:
Neurons: produce and send nerve impulses Glial – protects, supports, and insulates neurons

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