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XIth International Congress for Mathematical Geology - September 3-8, 2006 – Liège, Belgium Contribution of GeoScienceML to the INSPIRE data harmonisation.

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Presentation on theme: "XIth International Congress for Mathematical Geology - September 3-8, 2006 – Liège, Belgium Contribution of GeoScienceML to the INSPIRE data harmonisation."— Presentation transcript:

1 XIth International Congress for Mathematical Geology - September 3-8, 2006 – Liège, Belgium Contribution of GeoScienceML to the INSPIRE data harmonisation process for Geology Jean-Jacques SERRANO, François ROBIDA

2 XIth International Congress for Mathematical Geology - September 3-8, 2006 – Liège, Belgium > 2 Outline > 1- INSPIRE Directive > 2- Drafting teams for Implementing rules Data harmonization Network services definition > 3- Contribution of GeoScienceML > 4- Conclusion

3 XIth International Congress for Mathematical Geology - September 3-8, 2006 – Liège, Belgium > 3 1. INSPIRE Directive (1/3) INSPIRE: INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe INSPIRE aims at making available relevant, harmonised and quality geographic information for the purpose of formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Community policy-making. 1.Data should be collected once and maintained at the level where this can be done most effectively 2.It should be possible to combine seamlessly spatial data from different sources and share it between many users and applications 3.Spatial data should be collected at one level of government and shared between all levels 4.Spatial data needed for good governance should be available on conditions that are not restricting its extensive use 5.It should be easy to discover which spatial data is available, to evaluate its fitness for purpose and to know which conditions apply for its use INSPIRE Principles:

4 XIth International Congress for Mathematical Geology - September 3-8, 2006 – Liège, Belgium > 4 1 – INSPIRE - Spatial data needed are grouped into 3 annexes (2/3) Annex I Coordinate reference systems Geographical grid systems Geographical names Administrative units Transport networks Hydrography Protected sites Annex II Identifiers of Properties Elevation (including terrestrial elevation, bathymetry and coastline) Geology Land cover Cadastral parcels Ortho-imagery

5 XIth International Congress for Mathematical Geology - September 3-8, 2006 – Liège, Belgium > 5 1 - INSPIRE - Annexes (3/3) Annex III Statistical units Buildings Soil Land use Human health and safety Government service and environmental monitoring facilities Production and industrial facilities Agricultural and aquaculture facilities Population distribution - demography Area management/restriction/ regulation zones & reporting units Natural risk zones Atmospheric conditions Meteorological spatial features Sea regions Bio-geographical regions Habitats and biotopes Species distribution Oceanic spatial features

6 XIth International Congress for Mathematical Geology - September 3-8, 2006 – Liège, Belgium > 6 2- Drafting teams (1/5) > Objectives Analyse and review reference material provided by the SDICs (Spatial Data Interest Communities); Write the draft Implementing Rules Provide recommendations and suggestions Identify issues which cannot be addressed > Notes A drafting team is not expected to develop new specifications Implementing rules should be based on standards (when exist) Implementing Rules will be a part of the “law” applied to the Member States when the INSPIRE Directive is adopted

7 XIth International Congress for Mathematical Geology - September 3-8, 2006 – Liège, Belgium > 7 2- Drafting teams (2/5) Metadata for spatial data and services Spatial data specification and harmonisation Network services and interoperability Data and service sharing Monitoring and reporting 5 Drafting teams installed by the EC Norway Germany France UK Geological Survey representatives

8 XIth International Congress for Mathematical Geology - September 3-8, 2006 – Liège, Belgium > 8 2- Drafting teams (3/5) Objective Draft Implementing rules for harmonised data specifications and for data exchange > Scope Definition of the basic conceptual model for the data themes Guidelines of the use of this model Generalization rules to treat different scales Encoding > Activities Survey of existing initiatives Definition of annex themes and scope Draft generic conceptual model Draft Implementing rules for data exchange DT: Spatial data specification and harmonisation

9 XIth International Congress for Mathematical Geology - September 3-8, 2006 – Liège, Belgium > 9 2- Drafting teams (4/5) > Some components / registers already identified Identifiers management Features catalogues Dictionaries Coordinate referencing Portrayal > Harmonisation process Harmonisation of general concepts and definitions Development/Documentation of data products specifications (including the application schemas) Derivation of GML application schemas from application schemas DT: Spatial data specification and harmonisation

10 XIth International Congress for Mathematical Geology - September 3-8, 2006 – Liège, Belgium > 10 2- Drafting teams (5/5) Objective Draft Implementing rules for network services > Scope Define functional and non-functional requirements for the following services: DT: Network services Upload servicesDownload services Discovery servicesTransformation services Data view services“Invoke spatial data service” services > Activities Clarification of definition and scope of services Analysis of reference material Select specifications for network services Draft Implementing rules

11 XIth International Congress for Mathematical Geology - September 3-8, 2006 – Liège, Belgium > 11 3 - GeoScienceML and Testbed (1/5) A Data Model Collaboration working group set up under the auspices of the CGI (Commission for the Management and Application of Geoscience Information) of IUGS (the International Union of Geological Sciences). Two task groups: 1. Conceptual Model / Interchange Development of a Geoscience conceptual model of geoscientific data and a related interchange format, with a priority : a focus on geological maps and boreholes 2. Testbed Implementing the agreed subset of the conceptual model as a working system, demonstrating the interchange of data between more than one server and client and examples of derived services on data => See detailed presentation of GeoScienceML and a testbed demo this afternoon

12 XIth International Congress for Mathematical Geology - September 3-8, 2006 – Liège, Belgium > 12 Data harmonisation and Interoperability > Data harmonisation within the ESDI means that all countries use a common set of coordinate reference systems, data model, classification system, etc. > Interoperability within the ESDI means that each country maintains their own infrastructure, but adopts a framework that enables existing datasets to be linked up from one country to another (e.g. via transformation or translation > In case of heterogeneous data sources, interoperability requires wrapping data sources into services that conform to standards. > The output of these services is what to be harmonized, not their inputs (database schemas). 3 - Contribution of GeoSciML / Testbed (2/5)

13 XIth International Congress for Mathematical Geology - September 3-8, 2006 – Liège, Belgium > 13 3 - Contribution of GeoSciML / Testbed (3/5) > Contribution of GeoSciML to the data model of the INSPIRE Geological theme For the drafting team “Spatial data specifications and harmonisation” – GeoSciML and INSPIRE data modeling share methodology and standards (see next slide) > Contribution of the testbed For the drafting team “Network services” – View services – Download services – Transformation services (“schema mapping”?)

14 XIth International Congress for Mathematical Geology - September 3-8, 2006 – Liège, Belgium > 14 3 - Contribution of GeoSciML (4/5) Data harmonisation components 1.2 Reference model 1. INSPIRE Information Model 1.7 Object referencing modelling 1.6 Coordinate referencing and units model 1.1 INSPIRE Principles 2. Operational components/registers 3. Guidelines & Best Practice 2.2 Terminology 1.3 Application Schemas 2.1 Identifier Management 2.4 Dictionaries 1.8 Data translation model/guidelines 2.3 Feature catalogues2.5 Conformance 1.4 ISO 19100 Profile 1.5 Multi-lingual text and cultural adaptability 1.9 Portrayal model Components used by GeoSciML

15 XIth International Congress for Mathematical Geology - September 3-8, 2006 – Liège, Belgium > 15 3 - Contribution of Testbed (5/5) > For the drafting team “Network services” View services (=> WMS) Download services (=> WFS) GeoSciML Graphic log service

16 XIth International Congress for Mathematical Geology - September 3-8, 2006 – Liège, Belgium > 16 4 - Conclusion The work done in the CGI working group on GeoSciML is very relevant for the data harmonisation process in INSPIRE for Geological theme. The testbed demonstrates the use of services based on standard (WMS and WFS) to display and access geological data; services that are required by the INSPIRE directive (view and download).

17 XIth International Congress for Mathematical Geology - September 3-8, 2006 – Liège, Belgium Thank you for your attention !

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