This is going to be a chasing game were the mi6 have to catch the hackers They should be able to catch them in this quick car and little kids like quick.

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2 This is going to be a chasing game were the mi6 have to catch the hackers They should be able to catch them in this quick car and little kids like quick cars When they catch them they will kill them The bad guys Mi6 will find them and kill them The target audience 10/14 because there is blood when they kill cicada

3 The guns you will have to pick up If you don’t pickup these guns then you will have to restart The people I want playing this game is people that like time games and limits and maybe a bit of gun fighting The map they will be playing on You will have to explore the map to find all the guns

4  The music will be similar jaws so they can think they will feel that they are experience like they are endanger or near death. Also when mi6 have finished the mission there will be victory music and they will be happy and have a party.

5 #Nathan Jenvey I think Dylan has put a lot of thought into his design and mood board as he has gone into detail on the music. The use of pictures are very good as they describe the right things for example the cars to describe it is a chasing game. #Keelan Mckeigue I think that Dylan has put a lot of thought into the images he used on his mood board to relate to his game and good ideas and annotations.

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