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Intro to Human Geography It’s Nature and Perspective.

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1 Intro to Human Geography It’s Nature and Perspective

2 Geographic Questions: Where are things located? Why? How are places related? How are places inter-connected? How are humans affected by these locations? “THE WHY OF WHERE!!!”

3 Definition of Geography scientific and systematic study physical & cultural features of the earth’s surface. spatial perspective looking at patterns and distributions Invented by Greek scholar: Eratosthenes -Geo – “Earth” -graphy – “to write”

4 Human (or Cultural) Geography: study of the spatial differentiation and organization of human activity on the earth’s surface. how we organize space and society where & why human activities are located


6 THE REGIONAL APPROACH Regional (Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia) Latin America Sub-Saharan Africa Southeast Asia

7 Five Themes of Geography Location Place Region Movement Human-Environment

8 Location Location-position on the earth’s surface Absolute Location: latitude and longitude; street address Relative Location: a way of expressing a location in relation to another site

9 Site & Situation Site-the physical character of a place Situation– the location of a place relative to other places Fig. 1-7: Singapore is situated at a key location for international trade.

10 Place Place: physical location with physical & cultural attributes sense of place: infusing a place with meaning and emotion.

11 Where Pennsylvanian students prefer to live Where Californian students prefer to live Perception of Place

12 The Cultural Landscape visible expression of human activity natural landscape modified by human activities Can also be called the “Built Environment” Religion and cremation practices diffuse with Hindu migrants from India to Kenya.

13 Sequent Occupance Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: African, Arab, German, British, and Indian layers to the city Apartment in Mumbai, IndiaApartment in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

14 Spatial analysis: the study of geographic phenomena on the earth’s surface - how are things organized on Earth? - how do they appear on the landscape? - Why of where? and so what?

15 the SPATIAL: 1. Distance 2. Accessibility 3. Connectivity

16 Distance Decay interaction between places diminishes frequency as distance between them increases closer = more interaction

17 Distance Decay

18 Friction of distance Farther people have to travel…less likely they are to do so.

19 place utility: a place’s usefulness to a particular person or group

20 Accessibility “How easy or difficult is it to overcome the friction of distance?”

21 Connectivity Level of interaction channels of communication & transportation Ex: Telephone Lines, streets, pipelines, radio, TV, internet

22 Ullman’s Spatial Model of Interaction 1.Complementarity: supply & demand between places

23 2.Transferability: ability to acquire item

24 3.Intervening Opportunity: alternative locations for activities between two points

25 Diffusion - Dissemination or spread of an idea or innovation from its hearth to other areas What prevents diffusion? - time -distance decay - cultural barriers

26 1.Expansion Diffusion: spreads outward from the heart a. Contagious – spreads adjacently b. Hierarchical – spreads to linked people or places first c. Stimulus – foreign idea promotes a local change

27 Stimulus Diffusion Ex: Because Hindus believe cows are holy, cows often roam the streets in villages and towns. The McDonalds restaurants in India feature veggie burgers.

28 2. Relocation Diffusion: permanent movement of individuals who carry an idea or innovation with them Kenya Paris, France

29 Spatial Distribution elements common to all spatial distributions : Density, Dispersion, & Pattern

30 Density The measure of the number or quantity of anything within a defined unit of area

31 Dispersion Spread of a phenomenon over an area How spread out? 1. Clustered (Agglomerated) = spatially close together 2. Dispersed (Scattered) = spread out

32 Pattern The geometric arrangement of objects in space Types of Patterns: Linear, Clustered, & Random

33 Linear Pattern typically depict houses along a street or towns along a railroad

34 Clustered Pattern typically involve items concentrated around a single node Ex: Center City with surrounding suburbs

35 Random Pattern An unstructured irregular distribution

36 Types of Regions 1.Formal (Uniform) region: defined by a commonality, typically a cultural linkage or physical characteristic Ex: German speaking region of Europe

37 2.Functional (Nodal) region: defined by a set of social, political, or economic activities or interactions Ex: an urban area, magazine circulation, radio station, downtown CBD

38 3.Perceptual (Vernacular) Region: ideas in our minds that define an area of “sameness” or “connectedness.” Exs: the South the Mid-Atlantic the Middle East Chinatown Little Italy


40 The meanings of regions are often contested. In Montgomery, Alabama, streets named after Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Civil Rights leader Rosa Parks intersect.

41 Region v. Realm “Realms” are larger, and often encompass several regions Ex: The “Muslim World”

42 1.Globe Grid: based upon latitude-longitude coordinates latitude lines (parallels) – decrease in length closer to poles longitude lines (meridians) – converge at the poles * scale on Earth’s surface is same everywhere 2.Map Projections: making a flat map of a round surface * All maps distort the globe grid properties

43 World Geographic Grid The world geographic grid consists of meridians of longitude and parallels of latitude. The prime meridian (0º) passes through Greenwich, England



46 Planar Projection (Azimuthal) Cylindrical Projection Conic Projection

47 The Robinson Projection


49 Two Types of Maps: Reference Maps - Show locations - Geographic features - Absolute locations Ex: street maps Thematic Maps - “Tells a story” - Data attributes - Pattern, distribution, movement - Relative locations/features

50 Reference Map

51 Thematic Maps Thematic Maps: a map depicting a specific spatial distribution or statistical variation of abstract objects in space TYPES: Graduated Circle Dot-Distribution Isopleth (isolines: weather, topographic maps) Choropleth (by region: county, state)

52 Thematic Map What story about median income in the Washington, DC area is this map telling?

53 Graduated Circle Map Uses circles of different sizes to show the frequency of occurrence of a certain topic

54 Dot-distribution Map A single of specified number of occurrences are recorded by a single dot

55 Isopleth Map Calculation refers to an areal statistic The isoline connects average values per unit

56 Examples of topographic maps (shows elevation through contour lines)

57 Choropleth Map Present average value of the data studied per preexisting areal unit

58 Which is the small-scale map? City of Edmonton Neighborhood in Edmonton Small scale: more area, less detail Large scale: less area, more detail


60 E. Mental maps (“cognitive” maps) mental maps: representations of our own image of the world

61 Activity Spaces: the places we travel to routinely in our rounds of daily activity. – How are activity spaces and mental maps related?

62 Geographic Information System (GIS): a collection of computer hardware and software that permits storage and analysis of layers of spatial data.

63 Remote Sensing: a method of collecting data by instruments that are physically distant from the area of study.

64 Scale - local - regional - national - global What is occurring across scales provides context for us to understand a phenomenon.

65 Scale

66 Measuring Spatial Interaction i. Distance Decay (“the friction of distance”) ii.The Gravity Model (size & distance affect interaction) iii. Movement Biases (distance, direction, & network bias)

67 distance decay: the decline of activity with increasing distance from the point of origin inverse-square relationship (j-curve)

68 voluntary migration: people have a choice to move or stay reluctant migration: less than fully voluntary, but not forced forced migration: imposed relocation by one group over another causing “refugees” Refugee Exs.: any economic migrant - any economic migrant - 75 million people from Europe to Americas (1835-1935) - Indonesia: resettlement from overcrowded Java

69 E. Ravenstein’s “Laws of Migration” 1.short distance 2.step by step 3.rural to urban 4.each flow produces a counter flow 5.Most international migrants are young males

70 D. Migration Patterns Step migration: smaller, less extreme moves Ex.: farm to village—to small town—to major city Chain migration: an established linkage or chain for future migrants (creates a “migration field”) – Migrants provide information, money, place to stay, a job for other family/friends

71 Channel migration: clear pathways & travel routes are established - Ex.: The Oregon Trail

72 “Guest Workers” - have short term work visas - send remittances to home country

73 Remittances Money sent back to home country by immigrants


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