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Year 2 Meet the Teacher Mrs Holder, (Phase leader) Mrs McKenna, (Lead Practitioner) Mrs Smith and Miss Buttel.

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2 Year 2 Meet the Teacher Mrs Holder, (Phase leader) Mrs McKenna, (Lead Practitioner) Mrs Smith and Miss Buttel

3 Welcome to Year 2 Year 2 is an end of Key Stage year. At the end of Key Stage 1, your child will be assessed in Reading, Writing, Maths and Science. You can help your child by: – Reading daily at home – Practising number facts or times tables. – Looking at the world around them and questioning events

4 Planners We have an exciting new home/school record book. It must be brought to school each day. Reading records should be filled in regularly at home. Children will be able to change their reading book when their planner has been signed by an adult. The planners contain any important passwords such as mathletics.

5 Home-School Agreement In the planner you will find that the class teacher has signed the home/school agreement. Can you please read page 2 and sign and date it and discuss your child’s responsibilities with them. At the back of the planner, there is information to help you work with your child

6 Other Information School dinner menus now need to be filled in at the beginning of each week and handed in every Monday morning. Cracking Number Facts will be tested on a Thursday. Although we encourage the riding of bikes and scooters to school, please ensure that your child is not riding on the school grounds.

7 Group Interventions There are times when your child may be asked to work in a small group with a teacher or a teaching assistant. This is to support your child if they need extra help or to provide more challenge for higher achievers.

8 Homework Maths and Literacy homework will be given out on Friday and needs to be handed in, at the latest, by the following Wednesday. This will take the form of worksheets, writing and research activities. The planners now include helpful hints to help you work with your children. Targets for the year are on pages 16-17 Number facts, pages 13-14 Spellings, Key Stage 1, Key Words, Maths words page 98 onwards

9 PE PE takes place on different days for each class for children in Year 2. They are expected to have a complete kit in school ready for their lessons. Please bring in on a Monday and take home on a Friday. Earrings should be removed on these days.

10 Access to Water There are two water fountains which the children have access to at break and lunchtimes. During lesson times children are still able to drink water but we request that you send in a labelled bottle each week that your child can use in the classroom.

11 Trips All our trips are organised to support the children’s learning. This year’s trips are: Autumn Bournemouth Spring Synagogue Summer Chessington Zoo

12 Any Questions?

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