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The ALADIN-France Limited-Area Model Joël Stein Marc Tardy Hervé Bénichou.

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Presentation on theme: "The ALADIN-France Limited-Area Model Joël Stein Marc Tardy Hervé Bénichou."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ALADIN-France Limited-Area Model Joël Stein Marc Tardy Hervé Bénichou

2 model (spectral) orography The domain extends from (57°N,20°W) to (33°N,18°E) mesh-size :  x=  y=9.5 km spectral truncation : E159x159 ALADIN-France

3 ALADIN-France vertical resolution __ ALADIN __ ECMWF 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Pressure (hPa) 1 112131415161 41 hydrid levels

4 Operational ALADIN-France configuration New : 3DVAR assimilation, since 25 July 2005 Semi-implicit, semi-lagrangian dynamics Full physical package: -ISBA soil scheme -First order closure turbulence scheme -FMR15 radiation scheme -Bougeault mass-flux convection scheme -Orographic GWD + envelope orography -Adjustment to the saturation

5 Operational ALADIN-France configuration P54 P48 P42P36 Guess Forecast 3DVAR analyses and forecasts every 6 hours

6 ALADIN-France 3DVAR data assimilated : same observations as for ARPEGE (radiosoundings, AMDAR, surface data, AMSU-A and B, HIRS radiances, SATOB winds,..) but no QUICKSCAT SEVIRI radiances of Meteosat 8 T2m and Hu 2m (from TEMPs and SYNOPs)

7 Observations used in ALADIN-France Surface data AMSU-A data

8 radio-sounding data AMSU-B data Observations used in ALADIN-France

9 air-borned data SEVIRI data

10 06/09/2005: red alarm in the south of France Nîmes radar 24 h cumul Surface station 24 h cumul

11 06/09/2005: red alarm in the south of France ARPEGE forecast ECMWF forecast 24 hours accumulated rain

12 06/09/2005: red alarm in the south of France ARPEGE forecast ALADIN forecast 24 hours accumulated rain

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