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Waves Rhythmic disturbance that carries energy through matter or space.

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Presentation on theme: "Waves Rhythmic disturbance that carries energy through matter or space."— Presentation transcript:

1 Waves Rhythmic disturbance that carries energy through matter or space

2 Types of Waves Transverse- wave travels perpendicular to motion of the disturbance


4 Types of Waves Longitudinal- wave travels in the same direction or parallel to the direction of the disturbance


6 Electromagnetic Waves Do not need a medium to travel All travel at the speed of light c = 3.0 x 10 8 m/s


8 Properties Wavelength (λ) - the distance between 2 identical spots on a wave Amplitude- from equilibrium to crest or trough Crests- highest point Troughs- lowest point Period (T)- time (s) measured for one wavelength Frequency (Hz)- # of complete oscillations in one second

9 Wave Velocity v = λf f = 1/T

10 Practice Problems A wave has a frequency of 262 Hz and a wavelength of 1.29 m. What is the speed of the wave? How long will it take the wave to travel 91.4 m? What is the period of the wave?

11 The frequency of violet light is 7.5 x 10 14 hertz. What is its wavelength? What is its period?

12 A wave with a wavelength of 2.5 meters travels through a certain point 6 times per second. What is the velocity of the wave?

13 Wave Behavior Waves can cross mediums at a boundary Incident wave- strikes the boundary Reflected wave- returning wave When the wave hits the boundary, some energy is reflected back as it moves into the new medium

14 Interference Two or more waves interact with each other

15 Constructive- wave displacements are in the same direction

16 Destructive- when two waves of opposite amplitudes meet

17 Standing Wave Combination of interference Wave appears to be standing still Increasing frequency produces more nodes (points of destructive interference) and antinodes (points of destructive interference)

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