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The Foot and Lower Leg. Foot and Lower Leg ► 15% of lower leg injuries involve this area ► 20,000 ankle sprains a day in the USA ► The foot absorbs 3x.

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Presentation on theme: "The Foot and Lower Leg. Foot and Lower Leg ► 15% of lower leg injuries involve this area ► 20,000 ankle sprains a day in the USA ► The foot absorbs 3x."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Foot and Lower Leg

2 Foot and Lower Leg ► 15% of lower leg injuries involve this area ► 20,000 ankle sprains a day in the USA ► The foot absorbs 3x body weight during running and jumping.

3 Basic Anatomy of the Foot and Ankle ► Three Arches enable us to absorb forces  Transverse Arch  Medial Longitudinal Arch  Lateral Longitudinal Arch

4 The Three Arches ► Transverse Arch  Goes across the width of the foot  Comprised of the cuneiforms (all three), the cuboid, and the base of the fifth metatarsal.

5 The Three Arches ► Medial longitudinal arch- the highest and most important arch in the foot.  Goes the length of the foot on the medial side.  Comprised of the calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuneiforms and the first three metatarsals.

6 The Three Arches ► Lateral longitudinal arch- the arch next to the medial one that is flatter and lower.  Goes the length of the foot on the lateral side.  Comprised of the calcaneus, talus, cuboid, and the forth and fifth metatarsals.

7 The Foot  The arches maintain the shape of the foot with the help of muscles, ligaments and tendons.  Each foot has 26 bones and 38 joints.  There are 3 segments of the foot ► Tarsal bones ► Midfoot Region ► Phalanges

8 Joints of the Ankle/Foot ► Talocrural Joint-joint in the ankle found between the tibia, fibula, and talus. Dorsi/plantar flexion ► Subtalar Joint-joint in the ankle found between the talus and calcaneus.

9 Ligaments ► Medial Side/Eversion Sprain  Deltoid Ligament  Spring Ligament- AKA the Plantar Calcaneonavicular ligament. AKA the Plantar Calcaneonavicular ligament.

10 Ligaments ► Lateral Side/Inversion Sprain  ATF-Anterior Talofibular Ligament  CF-Calcaneofibular Ligament  PTF-Posterior Talofibular Ligament

11 Bones of the Lower Leg ► Tibia-medial bone that transmits the weight of the body to the talus. It has the medial malleoli as a landmark. ► Fibula-lateral bone that acts as a stabilizer of the ankle joint. It has the lateral malleoli as a landmark. Limited weight bearing

12 Muscles of the Lower Leg/Foot ► Intrinsic Muscles-located within the foot and cause movement of the toes. ► Extrinsic Muscles-Located outside the foot, in the lower leg.  Gastrocnemius-Plantar flex foot, supinates foot  Soleus-Plantar flex foot (to isolate flex knee)  Tibialis Anterior- Doriflex foot  Peroneus Longus- Evert foot, plantarflex foot

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