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t t Reading Unit 2 Module 5 It’s time to read your books. And then answer the following questions, Please. ii.

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3 t t Reading Unit 2 Module 5

4 It’s time to read your books. And then answer the following questions, Please. ii

5 Map of LondoMap of Londo Map of London Map of London (part) Did Zhang Pingyu visit all the attractions?

6 Map of London (part) Map of London (part) Did Zhang Pingyu visit all the attractions?

7 Traitors Gate Jewel house Waterloo Barracks White Tower Bloody Tower Her first delight was going to The Tower of London Queen’s houses

8 Guard,Crown and instrument of torture (塔内)卫兵,皇冠和刑具 What was her comment on the Tower? It had remained standing for one thousand years, part of a royal palace and prison combined. The jewels are guarded by special soldiers wearing the 400-year-old uniform of the time of Queen Elizabeth I. Delight. iiii Hi

9 St Paul’s Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂 What was her comment? Splendid and interesting.

10 Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特大教堂

11 Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特大教堂 What was her comment on it ? Full of statues of poets and writers.

12 Big Ben 大本钟 What was her comment on it? Famous and very loud.

13 白金汉宫 Buckingham Palace


15 白金汉宫门前的广场 The Square of Buckingham Palace

16 Patrol before Buckingham Palace 宫前巡逻队

17 2002 年 6 月 1 至 4 日,伦敦的数十万群众聚集在白金汉 宫周围,观看庆女王登基 50 周年大型游行活动。 2 万 多人参加了此次游行。

18 No.10 Downing Streets 这是在 “ 唐宁街 ” 路口,真正的 “ 唐宁街 10 号 ” 在里面,现在因 为 “ 反恐 ” ,整条街都不许游人进了,只好透过铁栅栏门看看了。

19 Greenwich 格林威治天文台

20 Greenwich 格林威治天文台

21 What did they do here? Have you noticed the longitude line? Greenwich k hi They had photos _________standing on the either side of the line. taken

22 The British Museum 大英博物馆

23 The Library of the British Museum 大英博物馆. 图书馆

24 Chinese pot ancient Greek pot

25 In the museum She was _______to see so many wonderful treasures from different cultures displayed in the museum. What was her comment on it? ….. thrilled

26 Windsor Castle 温莎城堡

27 Tower Bridge 塔桥

28 Tower Bridge 塔桥

29 Shakespeare Who is he?

30 King Henry VIII 亨利八世 Queen Elizabeth II 伊丽莎白二世 Who are they?

31 2.Where did he work in London? He worked in the famous reading room of the Library of the British Museum. 3.Where did he die? In London Karl Marx.It was he who developed communism. 1.Who is he?

32 Map of London (part) Map of London (part) you are at the Hyde Park Corner, and you want to go to London Eye, but you don’t know the way, when you are asking someone about the direction but you can’t catch what he/she says, what will you say ?

33 Excuse me. I’m afraid I can’t follow you. Can you speak more slowly, please? I beg your pardon ? Pardon? What do you mean by…..? I didn’t understand… Use these sentences to help you!

34 The homework is a writing task: If you are going to persuade you friends to have a trip on Beijing, how are you going to introduce the attractions ? (introduce at least four attractions in Beijing.)

35 Thank you for watching. Goodbye!

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