Intranets Peter Scott, Darryl Friesen University of Saskatchewan Libraries For Newbies and Bargain Hunters.

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Presentation on theme: "Intranets Peter Scott, Darryl Friesen University of Saskatchewan Libraries For Newbies and Bargain Hunters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intranets Peter Scott, Darryl Friesen University of Saskatchewan Libraries For Newbies and Bargain Hunters

2 Part 1: Overview

3 What are Intranets? n Private and secure internal information systems which use Internet technology to collect and disseminate information of interest to all staff.

4 Why do you need one? To organize and make available the huge amount of information which is generated by an organization. To save paper, be timely, and to communicate.

5 U of S Library n 180 staff n 3 bargaining groups n Intranet Established 2 years ago n 4 person Intranet Task Force established


7 Part 2: Techie Stuff

8 ServerClients  Modified Apache 1.3 Web Server  Perl 5, plus useful modules  DEC 3000 (Alpha), Digital Unix 4.0  mSQL Server  SWISH-E  Web Browser  Browser Plug-ins (QuickTime, Real Audio, Shockwave, etc.)  Adobe Acrobat Reader  Ultimate BBS (Forum)  Microsoft Office (or equivalent viewers) Hardware & Software

9 Security n Strict permissions on physical files and directories on the Unix server n Intranet ‘accounts’ - follows the Unix User and Group security scheme n Web Server BASIC Authentication (standard.htaccess stuff) n Future: Secure Server for added safety

10 U of S Libraries Intranet University of Saskatchewan Libraries Management n Good Organization n HTML Templates & SSI

11 Management n Good Organization n HTML Templates & SSI n Adobe Acrobat n User and Group Administration n Election Wizard

12 Features n Password Changer n Message of the Day (MOTD) n Forum n Online Elections n Scavenger Hunt n Search

13 ServerFeatures Future n Apache mod_perl Module n Secure Server (Apache-SSL) n Web based Scheduling and Calendaring (for room bookings, upcoming events etc) n Web based Finger/ICQ style service

14 What can you do? n Resources for those without resources –Remote calendars, forums and chat –Hosted CGI and forms –Guestbooks –Free email and webspace   

15 Questions

16 Peter Scott Small Systems Manager University of Saskatchewan Libraries University of Saskatchewan Darryl Friesen Programmer/Analyst Department of Computing Services University of Saskatchewan The End.

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