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Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 Gender Mainstreaming An Approach.

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Presentation on theme: "Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 Gender Mainstreaming An Approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 Gender Mainstreaming An Approach

2 Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 Contents Common understanding of GM Goals of gender equality in TCA VENet Responsibilities Next Steps

3 Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 Common Understanding

4 Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 GM … Is a strategy to consider the aspect of gender equality on different levels in any stage, process or outcome of a project. As there is no gender neutral reality, it means to consider the different life situations of men and women for every social action. Should enhance quality

5 Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 Understanding of GM in the Austrian DP as an example GM is integrated in the overall strategy. All activities aim to reduce gender inequality in the labour market. This is manifested on the following levels:

6 Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 Level of strategy The DP commits itself to enhance equality in all its activities. It defines specific equality goals, lives and communicates these. Level of structure and process GM is an executive function (top down). The gender delegate supports the planning and implementation of equality as well as its evaluation. The gender perspective is integrated in all processes. Level of products Any development of a product is preceded by a gender analyses. Identification of a need of action, development of the goals of equality and implementation always follow the cycle Definition of a goal of gender equality Analyses of the problem Development of options Decision for a solution Realization of the decision Measurement of success

7 Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 What is the GM understanding of your DP? Where is it different to the Austrian understanding? What could be our common understanding of GM?

8 Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 Goals of Gender Equality

9 Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 Overall Goal VENet intends to develop a model that ALSO enhances equality of men and women in the labour market

10 Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 Subgoals (examples) Consider different general conditions of men and women (e.g. mobility, care taking responsibilities…) Help to enlarge the spectrum of vocational choice of women by creating new professions (occupational images). In Austria almost 50% of the women choose one of only 3 professions, whereas the 3 favourite professions for men are chosen by only 20%) Do you know these figures for your country? Help reduce gender specific prejudices by creating awareness in the co-operating enterprises

11 Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 How can we reach these goals? Regarding development of VENet Model and support system Analyse different situation of men and women with statistics Formulate goals of gender equality on basis of these statistics with a target/actual comparison Develop a support system (check list, manual, consulting,…) how one can react to inequalities on the labour market when implementing the model

12 Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 Regarding public relations (homepage, mainstreaming, final event) Use gender sensitive language How is this done in your language? Selecting pictures by avoiding stereotypes Equally represent and value qualities and performances of women and men distinguish used statistics according to gender

13 Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 Regarding our internal structures treat each other with respect and esteem agree that equality of treatment is a horizontal topic and gets incorporated into all activities document all activities reg. equality of treatment and GM, make aims transparent and report about progress

14 Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 Which goals have you got for your products?

15 Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 Responsibilities

16 Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 TCA Secretary: makes sure topic is raised and treated DP in charge of products: makes sure that products are “gendered”, implementation of aims regarding the product Moderation: makes sure that topic is treated appropriately, checks speaking time, makes sure everybody expresses her/his opinion Documentation: document treatment of topic accordingly Evaluator: makes sure that goals are well documented ways to reach aims are defined results are documented variations are explained Everybody is responsible for GM in his/her role and should question plans, decisions and actions critically at any time

17 Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 Next Steps

18 Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 Who is doing what until our next meeting? Commitments please….

19 Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 Summary GM is… An integrated overall strategy, no extra burden An essential part of an Equal project Something that everybody is responsible for in her/his role

20 Gender Mainstreaming Judith Riessner, 2.nd TCA Meeting in Graz, Jan. 06 Thank you!

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