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Butterflies Class Welcome to…. Mrs Shewring Mrs Kelly Mrs Thomas Mrs Johns.

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Presentation on theme: "Butterflies Class Welcome to…. Mrs Shewring Mrs Kelly Mrs Thomas Mrs Johns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Butterflies Class Welcome to…

2 Mrs Shewring Mrs Kelly Mrs Thomas Mrs Johns

3  Teachers  Teaching Assistants  Other Specialists

4  Daily timetable  Now we’re in KS2  Arriving at School  School uniform and PE kits  Homework  Learning to Learn  Rewards and Sanctions  Celebrations  Marking Explained  Home time  Dates for your Diary

5  8.40- Classroom opens  8.55- Registration  9.00- SPAG  9.15- Session 1  10.15- Assembly  10.30- Break time  10.45- Session 2  11.45- Class Novel  12.00- Lunch  1.00-Guided Reading (except on Tuesdays)  1.20-Session 3  2.00- Session 4  3.00- Reflection/Show and Tell/Sharing Time  3.15- Home time

6  No time-tabled snack time  No additional afternoon break time  More independence

7  Independent children  Early Morning Work (on board)  Read and Respond Marking  Talk through the previous day’s work/Independent Reading

8  Please name every item of your child’s clothing  PE kits in on a Monday and home on a Friday

9  DAILY READING:  Reading records  Book changing  Bedtime books  Library books  SPELLINGS  MATHEMATICS AND MATHLETICS  Occasional TOPIC homework

10  Strands  Targets  Goals (kites)

11 Class Charter Positive behaviour strategies Visual behaviour system

12  Green and Pink  Purple Polishing Pens  Teacher, Peer and Self Assessment

13  Children to leave from the courtyard door.  If somebody different will be picking your child up or you are going to be late, please let one of us or the school know.

14  Trips  Sharing Assemblies  Parents’ Evenings  Parent Helpers/Volunteer Bank

15 Please find us individually in the hall for further information.

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