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Class of 2015 (you only live once.) Created by: Bluegrass Prevention Center, Lexington KY (

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Presentation on theme: "Class of 2015 (you only live once.) Created by: Bluegrass Prevention Center, Lexington KY ("— Presentation transcript:

1 class of 2015 (you only live once.) Created by: Bluegrass Prevention Center, Lexington KY (

2 real life is full of stories

3 (secretly dating)

4 Most Likely To: be really rich be really happy

5 Most Likely To: have a dozen kids have a dozen cats

6 real life is full of stories

7 like these: people think I’m more fun when I’m drunk I like myself better when I’m wasted I drink a lot to escape my life

8 15%

9 of high school students

10 get drunk

11 regularly

12 some are

13 athletes

14 She could win regional finals with a 3 at the buzzer this year He could beat the school scoring record in a game this year but she won’t but he won’t

15 why not?

16 one time drunk = 14 days of training erased

17 athletes who get drunk are twice as likely to have an injury

18 why?

19 brain recovery. 1. reaction time 2. hand/eye coordination 3. accurate visual tracking IMPAIRED WHILE CELLS RECOVER

20 muscle recovery. 1. endurance 2. temperature regulation 3. strength IMPAIRED WHILE MUSCLE FIBERS RECOVER

21 getting wasted

22 does not build

23 an elite

24 athlete

25 a little quiz: define Binge Drinking

26 10 drinks? until I pass out? depends on the day? define Binge Drinking

27 brain science says: females: 4 drinks males: 5 drinks

28 brain science says: that’s the level when alcohol becomes toxic to brain cells

29 (whether or not a person feels drunk yet)

30 real life is full of stories

31 some are

32 dating She doesn’t know she’s five weeks pregnant and her baby already has Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder He doesn’t know he’s about to become a dad and his baby already has Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

33 what?

34 alcohol can affect an unborn baby before a woman knows she’s pregnant

35 a 5-week old unborn baby

36 is the size of

37 a raspberry

38 how much alcohol do you think is safe?

39 there is no safe amount of alcohol for an unborn baby

40 not beer

41 not wine

42 not a drop

43 of anything

44 if she could get pregnant

45 real life is full of stories

46 some are

47 currently updating

48 the teenage brain is scheduled for random, regular updates august 19, 2014? next saturday? may 2, 2015? two weeks next fall?

49 two brain regions become mature during the teenage years

50 prefrontal cortex = increases motivation amygdala = increases emotional regulation

51 what happens if the brain is drunk during an update? X X X X


53 nothing

54 it doesn’t happen

55 that’s all it takes… 4+ drinks.

56 …to have a teenage brain forever

57 real life is full of stories

58 some are

59 unknowing… …unknowing he doesn’t know that he has 4 months left to live

60 why?

61 alcohol will poison him

62 by overwhelming his brain stem

63 (which reminds his lungs to breathe)

64 he will not vomit

65 he will die in his sleep

66 on a couch

67 right now he is alive and he feels safe because:




71 he thinks everybody drinks like he does.

72 he thinks this makes him safe. he thinks everybody drinks like he does.

73 he doesn’t believe that people really die from alcohol. he thinks this makes him safe. he thinks everybody drinks like he does.


75 only 15%

76 of high school students

77 get drunk regularly

78 (really)

79 real life is full of stories

80 some are

81 addicted he wants to just drink one beer at a party but he can’t stop himself once he starts she doesn’t want to think about alcohol all the time but she can’t stop her body from craving it

82 if someone is

83 strong enough

84 they won’t get

85 addicted

86 right?

87 anyone can become addicted

88 and it happens faster to some

89 why?

90 addiction risk. 1. family history (biological) 2. high tolerance 3. how much/how often alcohol is used + +

91 addiction risk. 1. family history (biological) 2. high tolerance Two risk factors are set by biology and can’t be changed.

92 addiction risk. 3. how much/how often alcohol is used There is one risk factor that is completely dependent on CHOICES.

93 addiction means

94 intense physical cravings

95 and intense physical withdrawal

96 addiction is… …a disease

97 addiction is… …(scary)

98 addiction is… …treatable

99 believe it or not

100 there is someone out there

101 who wants you

102 to get wasted


104 they only get rich if people get drunk

105 the consequences do not belong to them only the money

106 real life is full of stories

107 6 out of 7

108 don’t include

109 getting drunk

110 in theirs

111 (you only live once.) (make it count.) Created by: Bluegrass Prevention Center, Lexington KY (

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