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200 In this continuous cycle, the actions of evaporation, condensation and precipitation happen.

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Presentation on theme: "200 In this continuous cycle, the actions of evaporation, condensation and precipitation happen."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 In this continuous cycle, the actions of evaporation, condensation and precipitation happen

2 200 This process involves producers using light to make food

3 200 This form of adaptation allows an animal’s coloration to blend in with its surroundings

4 200 When organisms “breathe”, they release carbon dioxide and water into the air

5 200 This fossil fuel is a black liquid that can be turned into gasoline, kerosene or diesel

6 200 This renewable energy comes from the sun.

7 400 In this continuous cycle, these 2 elements in the air move from plants to animals and back to plants

8 400 This glowing orb in the sky is the source for all energy on Earth

9 400 Carnivores have this “dental” adaptation to eat meat

10 400 This action occurs when plants release water from their leaves

11 400 Fossil fuels, also known as hydrocarbons, are made up of these 2 elements.

12 400 When “moving air” spins large blades to create electricity, it is called this kind of energy

13 600 In a continuous cycle, this “free” element moves from the air to the soil, becoming “fixed” so plants can use it

14 600 Plants use this “compound” gas to during photosynthesis

15 600 Some plants have these “sharp and pointy” adaptations on them to prevent animals from eating them

16 600 This action occurs when liquid water returns to the atmosphere as water “vapor”

17 600 This “solid” fossil fuel is easily transported and provides a lot of energy, but it makes a lot of air pollution and is dangerous to mine.

18 600 This renewable energy is widely used, provides a steady supply of energy, and uses flowing water.

19 800 This type of cylcing materials on earth include glass, plastic, metal and paper

20 800 Producers give off this gas during photosynthesis

21 800 Arctic animals have a thick insulating layer of this under their skin to stay warm

22 800 This action occurs as water returns to the ground as rain, sleet or snow

23 800 This “gaseous” fossil fuel is moved through pipelines, has less pollutants than coal, but is highly flammable.

24 800 These power plants use heat from “atomic reactions” to change water into steam.

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