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AChapter 1:Freedom of Speech The Brody Witch Project: Kristy, Craig, Sarah, and Shannon.

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Presentation on theme: "AChapter 1:Freedom of Speech The Brody Witch Project: Kristy, Craig, Sarah, and Shannon."— Presentation transcript:

1 aChapter 1:Freedom of Speech The Brody Witch Project: Kristy, Craig, Sarah, and Shannon

2 aShould Speech Be Limited?

3 aHate Speech Should Be Restricted a If allowed to continue freely, hate speech will become the norm a Hate speech can’t be ignored a Violent speech leads to violent actions a “Fighting words” are already restricted ~ 1942- Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire

4 aHate Speech Should Not Be Restricted a First Amendment protects speech no matter how offensive. a In certain cases of hate speech, ACLU believes more speech is better than less. a Allows people to voice their opinions in a civil manner.

5 aFlag Burning Should Be Restricted a The flag stands for our nation’s sovereignty a American Creed a Two cases are “too many cases”

6 aFlag Burning Should Not Be Restricted a During 105th Congress, “Flag Burning” amendment could not get enough support for vote in Senate a Outrage over flag burning causes some Americans to feel more patriotic a Burning a flag is political speech which should be protected.

7 Pornography Should Be Restricted a Pornography is objectionable to some a Pornography can physically harm women and children a Censorship can become unenforceable

8 aPornography Should Not Be Restricted a Limits on pornography could lead to limits on other forms of fringe art a Barnes v. Glenn Theater (1991) a All censorship is political

9 aFree Speech Should Be Restricted a Free Speech can’t be censored (because censorship relies on what is appropriate a The Founding Fathers never intended the First Amendment to be all encompassing

10 aFree Speech Should Not Be Restricted a The ability to speak one’s mind helps to promote a more general freedom a Politically, free speech helps check arbitrary use of power a All points of view, even those that are “bad” or socially harmful should be represented in society’s “marketplace of ideas”

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