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Bronze Edition Lesson 2 Putting Things Together.  Emerge  E + merge (dip, push quickly)  Literal definition – dip out; push out quickly  Dictionary.

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1 Bronze Edition Lesson 2 Putting Things Together

2  Emerge  E + merge (dip, push quickly)  Literal definition – dip out; push out quickly  Dictionary definition – (v) to move out of or away from something and come into view; to become apparent, important, or prominent  The thief emerged from the bushes to surprise the unsuspecting joggers.

3  Evaporate  E + vapor (steam)  Literal definition – steam out  Dictionary definition – (v) to turn from liquid into vapor; to lose or cause to lose moisture; to cease to exist  Water evaporates in extreme heat.  The laser gun evaporated the rebels.

4  Exit  Ex + it (go, travel)  Literal definition – go out; travel out  Dictionary definition – (v) to go out or leave a place; (n) a way out  We had to exit the building when the fire alarm went off.  We were instructed to meet at the exit.

5  Extinct  Ex + stinguere (stop)  Literal definition – stop out  Dictionary definition – (adj) having no living members  The dodo bird is just one example of the many extinct species.

6  Escape  *Ex + cappa (cloak, cape)  Literal definition – cloak out; cape out  Dictionary definition – (v) to break free from confinement or control to avoid something that is dangerous, unpleasant, or unwelcome; (n) an act of successfully avoiding something dangerous, unpleasant, or unwelcome  The criminal escaped by hiding under the table.  His escape was covered on the news.

7  Endocrine  Endo + krinein (separate)  Literal definition – separate within  Dictionary definition – (adj) relating to glands that secrete hormones or other products directly into the blood  Adrenal glands are part of the endocrine system.

8  Endoskeleton  Endo + skeleton  Literal definition – inside skeleton  Dictionary definition – (n) an internal skeleton, such as the bony or cartilaginous skeleton of vertebrates  Anything with a backbone has an endoskeleton.

9  Endotherm  Endo + therm (heat)  Literal definition – inside heat; heat within  Dictionary definition – (n) an animal that is dependent on or capable of the internal generation of heat; a warm-blooded animal  All mammals, including humans, are considered endotherms.

10  Exocrine  Exo + krinein (separate)  Literal definition – separate outside of  Dictionary definition – (adj) relating to glands that secrete to the outside of the body rather than into the blood stream  Tear glands are part of your body’s exocrine system.

11  Exodus  Exo + hodus (way)  Literal definition – way outside of  Dictionary definition – (n) a mass departure of people, especially emigrants  Famine and disease caused a mass exodus of people from the third-world nation.

12  Exogamy  Exo + gam (marriage, spouse)  Literal definition –marriage outside of  Dictionary definition – (n) the custom of marrying outside a community, tribe, or clan  Some cultures frown upon exogamy for fear that certain cultural practices will be lost.

13  Symmetrical  Sym + meter (measure)  Literal definition – same measure  Dictionary definition – (adj) made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis  If you draw a perpendicular line through the middle of a square, you should create two symmetrical rectangles.

14  Sympathy  Sym + path (feeling)  Literal definition – feeling together; same feeling  Dictionary definition – (n) feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else’s misfortune; an understanding between people; a common feeling  Having been homeless myself, I have a lot of sympathy for homeless people.

15  Synchronize  Syn + chron (time)  Literal definition – same time  Dictionary definition – (v) to cause to occur or operate at the same time or rate  Before starting our secret mission, we must synchronize our watches to make sure our timing is perfect.

16  Translucent  Trans + luc (light)  Literal definition – light through  Dictionary definition – (adj) allowing light, but not detailed images, to pass through  The translucent shades allowed people passing on the street to only see the silhouettes of the people inside.

17  Transparent  Trans + parere (appear)  Literal definition – appear through  Dictionary definition – (adj) allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen  Transparent tupperware containers allow me to see what I have stored inside them.

18  Transfer  Trans + fer (carry, bear)  Literal definition – carry across  Dictionary definition – (v) to move someone or something from one place to another; (n) the act of moving someone or something to another place  I transferred from NC State to Wake Forest because Wake was the better school.  My dad received a transfer at work, so we had to move.

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