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Bronze Edition Lesson 4 – Taking Action.  Deject  De (down) + ject  Literal definition – throw down  Dictionary definition – (v) to make sad or dispirited;

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Presentation on theme: "Bronze Edition Lesson 4 – Taking Action.  Deject  De (down) + ject  Literal definition – throw down  Dictionary definition – (v) to make sad or dispirited;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bronze Edition Lesson 4 – Taking Action

2  Deject  De (down) + ject  Literal definition – throw down  Dictionary definition – (v) to make sad or dispirited; to depress  Losing one’s job might deject most people, but it didn’t bother Wolfgang.

3  Eject  E (out) + ject  Literal definition – throw out  Dictionary definition – (v) to throw or force something out, usually in a violent or sudden way  The pilot ejected when he lost control of his plane.

4  Project  Pro (forth, forward) + ject  Literal definition – throw forward  Dictionary definition – (v) to cause to be heard at a distance; (n) an individual or collaborative effort that is planned to achieve a certain goal  To be a good stage actor, you must project your voice.  We worked on the group project until two in the morning.

5  Deport  De (away) + port  Literal definition – carry away  Dictionary definition – (v) to expel a foreigner from a country, usually for having illegal status or for having committed a crime  The Russian spy was deported after getting caught.

6  Import  Im (in, into) + port  Literal definition – carry in  Dictionary definition – (v) to bring goods or services into a country; to bring in from a different place or context  We imported the data from the flash drives so we could analyze it.

7  Report  Re (back) + port  Literal definition – carry back  Dictionary definition – (v) to give a spoken or written account of something observed, heard, done, or investigated; to present oneself formally as having arrived at a particular place or as ready to do something; to be responsible to a superior; (n) an account given of something  After the robbery, police officers filed a report that included the statements of all those who witnessed what happened.

8  Compose  Com (together) + pos  Literal definition – put together  Dictionary definition – (v) to write or create a work of art, usually music or poetry; to write with care and thought; to calm or settle; to be part of a whole  I’m so nervous, and I need to compose myself before stepping on the stage.

9  Dispose  Dis (apart, away) + pos  Literal definition – put away; place apart  Dictionary definition – (v) to get rid of by throwing away or giving or selling to someone else; to kill or destroy; to overcome; to consume  After replacing the shingles on the roof, the workers disposed of the old shingles.

10  Transpose  Trans (across) + pos  Literal definition – put across  Dictionary definition – (v) to cause two or more things to change places with each other  We need to transpose these two paragraphs because the first paragraph fits better after the other one.

11  Expire  Ex (out) + spir  Literal definition – breathe out  Dictionary definition – (v) to cease to be valid after a fixed period of time; to come to an end; to die; to exhale  This milk expired last week, so you should probably throw it out.

12  Inspire  In (in, into) + spir  Literal definition – breathe into  Dictionary definition – (v) to fill someone with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially something creative; to create a positive feeling; to inhale  We can inspire others through our attitude and effort.

13  Respiration  Re (again) + spir + ation (act of)  Literal definition – act of breathing again  Dictionary definition – (n) the act of breathing  Allergies can affect your respiration, so if you have trouble breathing, you need to let someone know.

14  Contract  Con (together) + tract  Literal definition – pull together  Dictionary definition – (n) a written or spoken agreement to be enforceable by law; (v) to decrease in size, number, or range; to become shorter or tighter in order to effect movement of part of the body; to enter into a formal and legally binding agreement; to catch or develop

15  Distract  Dis (away) + tract  Literal definition – pull away  Dictionary definition - (v) to prevent someone from giving full attention to something; to divert attention from something; to divert one’s attention from something unpleasant to something different or more pleasant

16  Retract  Re (back) + tract  Literal definition – pull back  Dictionary definition – (v) to draw or pull something back or back in; to withdraw a statement or accusation as untrue or unjustified  Cat’s can retract their claws.

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