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The North Rhine Westphalian Federal Programme for Talent Search, Talent Identification and Talent Development Norbert Köhn, Landesstelle Talentförderung.

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Presentation on theme: "The North Rhine Westphalian Federal Programme for Talent Search, Talent Identification and Talent Development Norbert Köhn, Landesstelle Talentförderung."— Presentation transcript:

1 The North Rhine Westphalian Federal Programme for Talent Search, Talent Identification and Talent Development Norbert Köhn, Landesstelle Talentförderung

2 The North Rhine Westphalian Programme for Talent Search, Talent Identification and Talent Development … - is a common programme shared by the Ministry of the Interior in North Rhine Westphalia (Innenministerium NRW) and the North Rhine Westphalian Sports Federation (LandesSportBund NRW e.V.) -was established in 1985 - deals particularly with the cooperation of schools, sports clubs and sports federations in North Rhine Westphalia.

3 The North Rhine Westphalian Programme for Talent Search, Talent Identification and Talent Development … -is devoted to the development of high performance sports for young athletes -its mission being the responsible, sustainable, cautious, and purposeful development of young and talented athletes on their way to top-levels -attends to athletes also with regard to their school career, their social and individual development -supports them in the field of sports medicine.

4 The Federal Government of North Rhine Westphalia and the North Rhine Westphalian Sports Federation stand up for … a human and doping-free top development sports of young athletes.

5  Such a responsible target can only be achieved under several conditions -training measures in accordance with their age and their individual physical and psychological development - supporting measures to guarantee that the young athletes can both fulfil sports as well as educational demands - a long-term and systematic development of their performance

6  The structure of the North Rhine Westphalian Programme for Talent Search, Talent Identification and Talent Development pursues and achieves its targets in five so-called „action fields“

7 Action Field 1: partnerships of schools and sports clubs  46 talent centres and 250 talent promotion projects  4500 schools and 2000 sports clubs co-operate  There are ca. 1750 talent search and 1100 talent promotion groups at schools  48,000 pupils practise sports every week introducing them to competitive sports.

8 Action Field 1: partnerships of schools and sports clubs - These groups form the basis of school competitions on federal and /or national level (JUGEND TRAINIERT FÜR OLYMPIA) - Approx. 2800 athletes (D-/ and/or D/C-cadre-athletes) have come off these cooperations - They amount to ca. 60% of all North Rhine Westphalian cadre- athletes.

9 Action Field 2: Training and further educational measures of junior and experienced coaches - Local, regional and federal measures are offered and carried out on a regular basis - They are planned in co-operation with university sports departments and the North Rhine Westphalian Olympic Centres. - They are designed to further qualify coaches with regard to their task of developing top athletes.

10 Action Field 3: Development of new training concepts as well as competitions for young athletes - New training concepts are being developed for all sports - These include the development of new competitions - They are permanently improved intended to guarantee versatile basic training sessions for young and talented children.

11 Action Field 4: Pedagogical and medical support for young athletes  Our sports schools (cooperative system of school and competitive sports) … support talented athletes and reduce their workload with different measures and are characterized by -proximity of school and training venue, -full-time or part-time boarding school, -high number of cadre-athletes -a competitive and sports-conducive sports profile

12 Action Field 4 ctd.  Further supporting measures of the North-Rhine Westphalian cooperative system of school and competitive sports are -special sports classes for talented athletes with additional sports lessons -further sports workshops and sports projects with adjacent sports clubs -sports „boarding schools“ (full-time or part-time) giving students special tuition, support them doing their homework, make up for lessons which had to be missed due to sports competitions -annual medical check-ups for all pupils in sports classes

13 Action Field 5: Workshops and conferences designed to exchange the experiences of the various partners co- operating in the federal programme  an annual SYMPOSIUM „TALENT SEARCH AND TALENT PROMOTION“ in cooperation with the RUHROLYMPIADE.  participants are representatives from sports departments of universities, coaches, teachers and other experts.  last year‘s focus was on C ompetitive sports for young athletes on the test bed  further measures: several central and regional courses, seminars and information meetings of officials/functionaries


15 In conclusion,  the federal programme for talent search, talent identification and talent development enables young and talented athletes to ideally combine their - professional training for top performance sports and - their educational targets, i.e. a well- qualified school exam and certification.

16  I would like to thank you very much for your attention  You are welcome to comment on my presentation and ask any questions. presented by: Carl-Otto Held, Bezirksregierung Köln

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