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Presentation on theme: "ASHLEIGH LENTYCH CYBER BULLYING AND INTERNET SAFETY."— Presentation transcript:


2 Cyber bullying and internet safety have became a prevalent issue in classroom technology We as future teachers, have to be aware of this issue and address it as soon as possible before beginning any technology lesson Because many children do not know what is appropriate or inappropriate to share on the internet and even through social media and texting This project will entail the reasons as to why we need to educate our future students on this issue in order to ensure safety for them at all times DESCRIPTION

3 INFORMATION Cyber bullying bullying that takes place using electronic technology Examples: mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles Internet safety the knowledge of maximizing the user's personal safety and security risks on private information and property associated with using the internet, and the self-protection from computer crime in general

4 QUICK FACTS 43% of children grades 4 through 8 are victims of cyber bullying One out of every six 6-9 year old has exhibited some form of aggression behavior online As technology increases, a student could at max spend 7 hours a day using some form of technology Facts derived from: An article in Parents Magazine

5 PURPOSE To inform, educate and enlighten my peers and future students about how to safely use the internet I want to also inform how we have to monitor signs of cyber bullying since most of it goes unnoticed and as a teacher of a classroom of over 20 kids it is hard to watch over every single computer at once The end product of this presentation is that I hope to guide my peers into educating their students about cyber bullying and internet safety before starting a technology lesson

6 TECHNOLOGY USED Computer and/or iPad to demonstrate my lesson Microsoft office templates and also Kidspiration templates App for prevention tips on cyber bullying and internet safety -Internet activity reports -Parental control -3 restriction levels -Partnered with Facebook -Parents receive alerts when their child gets threatening messages

7 HOW WILL I USE THIS IN THE CLASSROOM? Found a great website that helps teachers write a lesson plan on educating them about cyber bullying and internet safety Teach with empathy (In case cyber bullying is already happening) I would present close to everything in my lesson plan sheet and I would ask the students to take notes I will have a KWL chart for them to comprehend the information I can assess them with a small quiz I will come up with a few internet safety rules that we will recite before using any technology to hopefully decrease cyber bullying

8 STANDARDS For the student (NETS-S) Communication and Collaboration Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making Digital Citizenship For the teacher (NETS-T) Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments Model Digital Age Work and Learning Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

9 PROJECTED TIMELINE A week long One class period for presenting information Another for a comprehension exercise KWL chart and remembering information One for an assessment on the information Two days on practicing the safety rules and safe usage of the computers and being respectful to one another

10 REFLECTION I learned that as a future teacher I need to look at the ethical, legal and social usage of classroom technology I should give a lesson on cyber bullying and internet safety so that I can ensure safe and fun interactions on technology I also learned that many traumatic effects can arise from an improper use of technology that can lead to cyber bullying. For example, depression, anxiety, lack of motivation, and suicidal thoughts

11 REFLECTION (CON’T) I am really glad I came across those apps I talked about earlier because now parents can monitor their students at home while I would teach them how to act safely on the internet Another great resource was the lesson plan website that will aid me in making a presentation for my future classroom Overall, cyber bullying and internet safety need to be addressed in any school classroom, to ensure the safest behavior so that using technology will be a fun experience


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