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 Started to weaken in 1918 to the point of not fighting.  Kaiser abdicates throne – takes refuge  German war machine/economy too exhausted to continue.

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2  Started to weaken in 1918 to the point of not fighting.  Kaiser abdicates throne – takes refuge  German war machine/economy too exhausted to continue  SO…..

3  During the 11 th hour of the 11 th day in the 11 th month of 1918…  Germany agreed to a cease-fire that ended the war.  4 year war  Involved more than 30 nations  Bloodiest war in history (to that time)  26 million deaths, half were civilians  Cost of war = $350 billion

4  Now…What to do?  Have a meeting….

5  Guideline for post war activities (main points)  1) No more secret treaties  2) Countries must seek to reduce their weapons and their armed forces  3) National self-determination should allow people of the same nationality to govern themselves and one nationality should not have the power to govern another  4) All countries should belong to the League of Nations.  Wilson’s plan didn’t pass with Allies

6  Allies thought Wilson was naïve  Clemenceau was determined to prevent invasions  George just won reelection on slogan “Make Germany Pay”  Orlando wants Austrian territory

7  “Big Four” gathered at the Palace of Versailles to sign the treaty.  Hope that the treaty would create stability for Europe (didn’t happen). of-versailles-end-world-war-i#treaty- of-versailles-end-world-war-i

8  Established 9 new nations  Shifted boundaries  Re-mapping  Carved Ottoman Empire and gave some to France and Great Britain

9  Demilitarized  Had to pay reparations to Allies  War damages amounting to $33 billion  War-Guilt Clause  Germany had to acknowledge that they alone were responsible for World War I.

10  Humiliated Germany  War-guilt  $$$$  Bolshevik government felt ignored  Not invited to conference  Contributed to international instability

11  Opposition  In U.S. several groups opposed to treaty  Too harsh- will pull down Europe.  Didn’t establish demands for self-determination (like independence)  Debate  Over League of Nations ▪ Said it threatened U.S. foreign policy of isolation  Henry Cabot Lodge ▪ Wanted the right of Congress to declare war ▪ Wanted to add “reservations” to the treaty

12  Germany doesn’t really know they’ve lost  Germany shocked by Treaty of Versailles  Depression in Germany  No jobs  Currency almost worthless  Germany wanted someone to blame it on  Adolf Hitler – blames German problems on Jews and socialists ▪ Rises to power (with Nazi party) in 1933 and gain control of government.

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