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The Aftermath of WWI and Wilson’s Fight for World Peace…

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1 The Aftermath of WWI and Wilson’s Fight for World Peace…

2 Meeting at Versailles…

3 Wilson’s Fourteen Points  Self-determinism – national groups with particular ethnic identity get to decide which nation they will belong to  League of Nations – associations of nations to promote international cooperation and peace.

4 The BIG FOUR – U.S., GB, France, and Italy  Treaty of Versailles – Wilson gives up most of his “points” in order to secure a League of Nations…

5 The other guys had very different ideas about the future of Europe… Set new boundaries - Established nine new nations, carved ottoman empire into four areas (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine) given to GB and France as colonies... Demilitarizing Germany – decreased German military and gave colonies to France Reparations: Germany must pay war damages War-guilt clause: forced Germany to acknowledge that it alone was responsible for WWI

6 Flaws of Treaty lead to WWII…  Germany is humiliated and mad…  Russia felt ignored and determined to regain power  Ignored claims of colonized people for self- determination

7 U.S. criticizes treaty…  Sell-out to imperialism? Replacing one imperialist power with another?  Creates more problems rather than solutions  Will cause economic failure in Europe and thus hurt U.S. trade  Ethnic groups upset about lack of self- determination for their homeland

8 Debating the League of Nations Henry Cabot Lodge - leader of the opposition to the league o Nations “That evil thing with the holy name…” Why did he hate it so much?

9 Wilson appeals to the people…  35 speeches in 22 days… Wilson finally suffers from a stroke that leaves him weak….

10 The Treaty defeated…  Wilson refuses to compromise: “This is not a time for tactics. It is a time to stand square. I can stand defeat; I cannot stand retreat from conscientious duty”  Treaty rejected for last time in 1920 – U.S. signed a separate treaty with Germany  U.S. never joined League of Nations, but maintained an unofficial observer at meetings…

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