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Protein Foods high in protein are Animal products, nuts, lentils, soy, dairy, cheese.

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Presentation on theme: "Protein Foods high in protein are Animal products, nuts, lentils, soy, dairy, cheese."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protein Foods high in protein are Animal products, nuts, lentils, soy, dairy, cheese

2 Functions in the body A.Energy B. forms enzymes, hormones and antibodies C.provides amino acids for growth, maintenance and repair of tissues D. Regulates body processes

3 Make up of proteins A. Amino Acids - building blocks of protein - essential - body cannot produce, must be found in food - non essential - body can produce

4 Types of protein complete - contains all 9 essential amino acids incomplete - missing an essential amino acid

5 Food Science Principles Denatured - proteins that have lost water- your body is able to digest them easier Heating Denatures protein

6 Coagulation -Thickening of proteins - fat interferes with coagulation - cream of tartar, salt and acids - increase coagulation

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