Michael 16 March 2011. The Cucumber  Botanical name is: Cucumis sativus  Life span is approx. 3 months.  Creeping vine that grows onto Trellises. The.

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1 Michael 16 March 2011

2 The Cucumber  Botanical name is: Cucumis sativus  Life span is approx. 3 months.  Creeping vine that grows onto Trellises. The fruit is roughly 30 cm long and 7 cm in diamter.  Picture here

3 Specifications  Require large amounts of sunlight to grow correctly  30 cm tall.  Bloom occurs approx. 6 weeks after planting.  Requires a well dried, sandy loam soil.  Picture here….

4 Watering Your Seeds  Water well every week.  Harvest after 50-60 days for desired effects.

5 Uses  Very nutritional form of fruit.  B vitamins give an energy boost similar to the effects of an energy drink or cup of coffee.  Juices make cellulite less noticeable.  Suitable replacement for aloe as sunburn treatment.  Melody of sugar, B vitamins, and electrolytes replace nutrition lost after a long night of heavy drinking.

6 Varieties  English Cucumbers  Lebanese Cucumbers  Apple Cucumbers  East Asian Cucumbers  Pickling Cucumbers  Armenian Cucumbers  Persian Cucumbers  Beit Alpha Cucumbers

7 Sources  Wikipedia.org  Gardeningpatch.com  Divinecaroline.com

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