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Pre-ProductionProductionPost-production  Know your target market.

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2 Pre-ProductionProductionPost-production

3  Know your target market

4  Spark creativity & brainstorm COLLABORATION!!

5  Research & analysis

6  Storyboarding  Ability to create a vision, capture it on paper, and express it in such a way as to stir emotional reaction in the audience.  A storyboard is similar to an elaborate cartoon strip that shows a director frame by frame what is happening in a script, including textual references, location directions, and sound and lighting cues.  Two Purposes of a storyboard: 1. Allow a filmmaker to pre-visualize his/her ideas and to refine them in the same way a writer develops ideas through successive drafts. 2. They serve as the clearest language to communicate ideas to the entire production team.



9  No matter which storyboard format you choose, the following information must be included: 1. Picture/Image - Each frame contains a single image of what the team plans to film. A visual representation of what the scene will look like. 2. Action - Summary of action in scene (one or two sentences). 3. Location – A visual representation of where the team plans to film each scene. 4. Audio and Lighting - What type of lighting is to be used and what kind of audio the scene will have such as dialogue, music, sound effects, or any combination of these. 5. Text - Actual words, if any, for each screen, page, or frame.

10  Script Writing - A great script doesn’t guarantee a great production, but a bad script certainly guarantees a bad one!  Top 5 Script Writing “Rules of Thumb”: 1. KISS (Keep It Short & Simple). 2. Understand your AUDIENCE. 3. Use VERBAL messages to compliment VISUALS. 4. Use PUNCTUATION to note pacing. 5. Do your RESEARCH.

11  Video: Planning Your Project! Video: Planning Your Project!

12  Cole H.S. Homecoming 2014! 1. In your assigned groups, create a storyboard for a commercial advertising the upcoming Cole Homecoming 2014 celebration (Homecoming week, game and dance). 2. Each team will write a script for the commercial based on the storyboard created by your group. NOTE: See assignment sheet on my web page for detailed instructions & rubric.


14 Composition: The deliberate arrangement of elements in the frame to give balance to your shot.  Rule of 3rds – arranging subjects on a “tic-tac-toe” grid in the frame where the vertical and horizontal lines intersect.  Headroom – Leaving room at the top of the frame so the subject is not cutoff or too low.  Leadroom – Leaving room in front of a moving subject in the frame. Video Production Basics: Composition Video by GTC


16  General Camera Shots: 1. Extreme Long Shot – Subjects are small and far away from camera. 2. Long Shot – Subjects are closer to camera but still small in frame. 3. Medium Shot – Subjects are up close to camera & framed from about the waist up. 4. Closeup – Subjects are framed from shoulders up. 5. Extreme Closeup – Subjects are framed from chin to forehead.

17  Camera Shots Specific to People: 1. Knee Shot – Subjects are in frame from knees up. 2. 2 - Shot – Two people in frame. 3. 3 – Shot – Three people in frame. 4. Over the Shoulder Shot – Two people, one is filmed from rear, primary is facing camera. 5. Crop Shot – Person closest to camera is cropped out of frame. Video Production Basics: Video on Framing by GTC

18  In general, camera should be stationary. Use a tripod!  Movement should be subtle and not distracting!  Reasons for camera movement: 1. Adjust framing 2. Reveal a scene gradually 3. Follow motion  Types of camera movement: Zoom, Pan, Track and Tilt Video Production Basics: Video on Camera Movement by GTC

19  Recognizing “ambient sounds” or “interference” is critical to the quality of your video:  Ambient Sounds – wind, vents, traffic, loud voices and side conversations  Interference – caused by wireless devices close to the camera  For best results use mics and headphones hooked to cameras.


21  Be aware of lighting in film location.  Too much sun? Overexposure. Move to more shaded area.  Too dark? Underexposure. Move to more lighted area.  Deciding whether you’ll film indoors or outdoors should depend on effect you want for your video! Video Production Basics: Video on Lighting by GTC

22  Filming outside the classroom is a privilege you enjoy, which was earned by former students.  If your behavior outside the classroom is disruptive and/or not appropriate, this privilege can be quickly revoked. FIRST by me, SECOND by other teachers, and LAST by administration, BOTTOM LINE: Do not behave in a disruptive manner when filming. There are other classes in session.  Video projects will not be as fun or effective if all filming has to be done in my classroom and adjoining hallways.  For these reasons, this class is reserved mostly for upperclassmen (Juniors & Seniors with a few sophomores).  DO NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS PRIVILEGE!!

23  Watch the clock! Return to class at least 5 minutes before the bell (10:39 a.m.)!!  I will not write you a pass for 8 th period if you return late from filming !


25 Video Production Basics: Video by GTC


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