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Presentation on theme: "W ELCOME P ARENTS ! ENGLISH 11CP. A LITTLE ABOUT US Ms. BondMs. Frye."— Presentation transcript:


2 A LITTLE ABOUT US Ms. BondMs. Frye

3 C OURSE C ONTENT : 11 CP Major works include The Crucible (in textbook), Into the Wild (true story), The Great Gatsby, and Catcher in the Rye. Poetry Non-fiction: articles, speeches, etc. Media: related videos, documentaries, movies Skills: critical reading, expository writing, argument writing, creative writing, outlining, discussion, presentation (individual and group) w/ visual aids, vocabulary development, and grammar reinforcement.

4 R ESOURCES Students should see us for additional help they may need with writing. The Writing Center!

5 G RADING MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS: Projects, essays, tests, and quizzes will be worth 70%. MINOR ASSIGNMENTS: Class work and homework will account for 20%. The final 10% will be based on class participation, determined by overall effort, attendance, timeliness, preparedness, and willingness to participate to the best of their ability.

6 GRADING (CONT.) No late work will be accepted unless a student has an excused absence on the day the work was due. Even with that---long-term assignments must be on on time regardless of absence, and it is highly recommended that students use the course website to make up what they have missed while absent so they do not get behind. Students with excused absences have as many days as they were absent to make up missing class work/homework, and four days to make up a test or quiz. Make-up appointments for tests/quizzes/in-class essays will occur during lunchtime or after school as needed, and it is the student’s responsibility to make the appointment.

7 N EEDED IN CLASS EVERY DAY Spiral notebook (for notes, activities, journals, and vocabulary) A folder labeled English to contain all class handouts Pens and pencils Highlighters Assigned reading book or textbook when indicated Outside reading book when indicated Recommended: index cards, post-its *Students should also have a flash drive for all their work or be proficient users of Google Docs!

8 THINGS YOU CAN HELP WITH… We always have vocabulary Outside reading: Encourage your students to read books outside of what we have for class when they have time. Now: Catcher in the Rye Next month: For the 11 th grade English research paper, they will have to choose a book (from an approved list) to read and write a research paper on (they will connect ideas explored within the book to current events/issues). So if they say they have no HW, they can always study vocabulary or read their outside reading book Also, students will be given opportunities to revise their writing—encourage them to do it!

9 C OMMUNICATION Course website: EVERYTHING about what’s going on in class is posted here – daily agendas, homework assignments, documents, assignment due dates, useful links, etc. (  California Schools N-Z  Newbury Park High School  Bond), or go from the NPHS website, or URL is also on their syllabus.* (e-mails should be updated) Remind messages (most are signed up) Q (formerly Zangle): see counseling office if you need your password* School Google accounts for email, documents, presentations, etc. (instructions on school website) *Places parents can access.

10 Q UESTIONS ? E-mail: or Check out website; there is a link where you can e-mail me directly from there. Phone: ext. 1112 at the school. E-MAIL is best for personal questions/concerns.

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