How do we define the underlying principles of American government? LESSON 1 Principles of Government.

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1 How do we define the underlying principles of American government? LESSON 1 Principles of Government

2 Why study government? What’s the big deal, anyway? CIVICS What is it? The study or science of the rights and responsibilities of the individual Why do we bother with it? It provides an understanding of why we need government and why government needs us

3 Why does a society need a government when we can provide our own order?  THE PURPOSES OF GOVERNMENT  PROTECTION: Sovereignty important  the right to be free from outside interference  MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC ORDER Laws Police forces Court systems NATION-STATE: The basic political unit  a country Characteristics TERRITORY POPULATION SOVEREIGNTY GOVERNMENT

4 Why does a society need a government when we can provide our own order? NATION-STATE: The basic political unit  a country Characteristics TERRITORY POPULATION SOVEREIGNTY GOVERNMENT  RESOLUTION OF SOCIAL CONFLICTS  RESPONSIBILITY FOR STABLE ECONOMY: Government’s role has changed throughout history  PROVISION OF PUBLIC SERVICES How extensive should these programs be? Key debate: money spent on programs

5 What different theories may explain the American style of government? II. ORIGINS OF GOVERNMENTAL STRUCTURE A. Force Theory  The state is born of force  person or group causes all within area to submit to their rule B. Evolutionary Theory  State developed naturally out of early family structure  Families joined networks of related families

6 What different theories may explain the American style of government? C. Divine Right Theory  God created state and gave royalty the right to rule  Opposition seen as mortal sin and treason  But, opposition is foundation of democracy today D. Social Contract Theory (Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau)  Most significant theory in American political history  Humans left in “state of nature” lived in constant disorder  People agree to give state power in exchange for protection against others  State arose out of voluntary act of free people  Promoted key developmental concepts in America  POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY  LIMITED GOVERNMENT  INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS

7 Who has power in our society?  POWER & FORMS OF GOVERNMENT  Elites  Marxist Theory: Those who control economy have real power  The “power elite”: Policies made by leaders in three important groups Corporate leaders Top military officers Key political leaders ELITES: Those whose political or economic power give them unusual influence within government

8 Who has power in our society?  The bureaucrats: People “behind the scenes” whose expertise and specialized talents are responsible for managing societies  The pluralists: Those who believe that power is shared among many different types of elites

9 Paul Freer?

10 How does a central government receive its power?  Forms of government  UNITARY SYSTEM: All powers held by government exist in single, central agency  centralized government (most common)  FEDERAL SYSTEM: Powers of government divided between central government and several local governments  CONFEDERATION: An alliance of independent states that give limited powers to a central government (ex: states under Articles, European Union)

11 Who has power within a government?  Legislative and Executive Branches  PARLIAMENTARY GOVERNMENT: Government that combines presidency and legislature  PRIME MINISTER: Leader of majority party in legislature  CABINET: Premier’s advisors that are also members of legislature  PRESIDENTIAL GOVERNMENT: Government where presidency and legislature are separated and work independently within system of checks and balances

12 How many should participate in governing?  Number of people who participate  AUTOCRACY  Rule by one  Absolute monarchy: King/queen with no restraint on their power  Dictatorship: One who assumes total control by force and removes all opposition  OLIGARCHY  Rule by a few  Aristocracy: Rule determined by social position or wealth  Theocracy: Religious group rules  Political party: Party leaders effectively control government (ex: USSR, China)

13 How many should participate in governing?  DEMOCRACY  Rule by many  Direct democracy: Where most citizens participate directly by voting on major issues  Democratic centralism: A ruling party or group who claims to make decisions based on what people want or need  Representative democracy: Most common democratic form in modern times where representatives of citizens make decisions based on popular will

14 How can Americans participate in governments?  FIVE WAYS PEOPLE CAN PARTICIPATE IN THEIR GOVERNMENT  Vote  Act as representatives  Lobbying  Contribute to/volunteer for a political campaign  Contact your representatives

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