My English Portfolio Inês Rosário 8th B No. 13. My personal page It’s time to talk a little bit about me… I’m a Portuguese student. I attend Manuel de.

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Presentation on theme: "My English Portfolio Inês Rosário 8th B No. 13. My personal page It’s time to talk a little bit about me… I’m a Portuguese student. I attend Manuel de."— Presentation transcript:

1 My English Portfolio Inês Rosário 8th B No. 13

2 My personal page It’s time to talk a little bit about me… I’m a Portuguese student. I attend Manuel de Figueiredo school, in Torres Novas. At school, I like all the subjects but I especially enjoy Arts, Physics-chemistry and Portuguese. I like studying but in my free times I really love amusing myself. My favourite hobbies are listening to music and talking with my friends. I like surfing the Net, too, because I can learn several new things. My family and I live in a small village in the surroundings of Torres Novas. I think it’s nice living in the countryside, but sometimes it’s boring. But, I like living my life… Click here to play an amuzing game!!here

3 Introduction A portfolio is a folder to archive the several works which I’m doing during this year. I hope to improve my English because it’s an important language for my future. I decided to add some images of the movie “Madagascar” to this work, because I enjoyed it a lot. Click if you want to listen to “I like to move it”. It’s a song of this movie. Play a little game… click here! (You must have the ‘Excel’ installed)

4 My Writing Section

5 Vocabulary Page Here is the vocabulary about different subjects-matters. Fashion

6 Grammar Page Reported Speech Click here to see a worksheet I made about Reported Speech. Purpose Clauses Click to see a worksheet about Purpose Clauses.

7 My Projects During the 2nd term, our english teacher asked us to make a work about fashion. My friend Ana and I decided to talk about ‘The Boys’clothes’.Click here to watch it. Piercings My best friend Perfection (my opinion) Saint-Exupery (biography) I’m dreaming During the third term, we talked about Pollution… So, I’ve done a small work about it. Click!Click! Earth Time in the Tower Palindromes

8 Reading Section

9 ‘Marcel and the Shakespeare Letters’ During my Christmas Holidays, I read a book and made a small work about that story. Click here! I also made a new cover for the book…Click!

10 My Musical Bank

11 I love listening to several types of music, like hip-hop, rock, pop, gothic music… My favourite music star is Avril Lavigne. This pop singer is famous all over the world and I can’t understand why she never came to Portugal… But, there are other different singers whose music I enjoy. On the radio, everybody can listen to Byoncé, Rihanna, Nelly Furtado… Nowadays, the historic bands and singers are forgotten. How long don’t you listen to The Beatles or Louis Armstrong, on the radio? I love this song…

12 …and much more… ‘What a wonderful world’ is a Louis Armstrong’s song. It describes a wonderful space which is watched by the singer. Do you want to listen to this song? So… click here. If you like singing, click here. Below, there are some musics which you can listen… Coldplay The Scientist Avril Lavigne Fall to Pieces 3 Doors Down Landing in London Avril Lavigne Contagious

13 My Image Bank

14 Try this… Close your right eye and look at the right point with your left eye. Incredible…The left point will disappear! Orange Pink Grey Green White Blue Black Red Blue Black Pink Yellow Grey Brown Orange Green White Look at this panel and say in a loud voice the colours’ name, not the word. Can you do this?

15 Count people in the picture below. After they shift, count them again! Places or faces? Try this…

16 Optical illusions Can the red lines make a perfect square? Is it a spiral? I don’t think… Which triangle is the clearest?

17 My Reflection File

18 I t h i n k t h a t m a k i n g t h i s p o r t f o l i o w a s a f u n n y w a y t o i m p r o v e m y E n g l i s h a n d l e a r n n e w v o c a b u l a r y. I’m abler to speak about several environmental threats that we talked about in the classes. T h e p a r t s o f t h i s p o r t f o l i o t h a t I e n j o y e d m o r e d o i n g w a s t h e i m a g e a n d t h e m u s i c a l b a n k.

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